
Fusion Trench Part 2

She let out a huff, taking a moment to reorient herself as she turned off her duel disk and began to look around- 

"Hmph, as expected of the one that received the name the Red Reaper, your capabilities far surpasses that of them." And leapt away from the source of the noise, finding a man dressed in something befitting of a soldier watching her from atop of the crates.

Said dark blue haired man leapt down and landed right before the unconscious trio of teens, seemingly attending them before turning back to her. Yet not for a single second had his eyes ever strayed away from her, always keeping her in his sights

She was the same. Alert at the man's presence that she had not noticed from the start. The way he dressed, the way he addressed the three people that she had just beaten, the way he carried himself, it was clear that this man was of a higher standing than them. Their commanding officer then? This outpost's leader?

"I'm guessing that you're their leader?" She said her guess aloud, glancing back to the three unconscious duelists who had already disappeared from the corner of her vision with a flash of light from their duel disk.

She clicked her tongue. So there really was no way of getting any sort of information from them if she beat them in a duel as long as they have their duel disks on them then.

"Hm, you assume correctly." He answered back as he seemed to stand taller. "My name is Barret, a Dueling Soldier who was recently promoted as this outpost's commander. My mission is to search and find lady Serena and bring her back to the Academia, as the Professor's orders."

"What!?" She gasped. "Serena's here!?" And he was just blatantly giving her all of this important information just because of that single prompt question!?

No, there had to be a reason as to why he was just blatantly telling her all of this. Was it a trap? A lie? Was he just spreading misinformation to make her let her guard down? She didn't know. 

"Hm, so it would seem that you know not of her location then." The blue haired soldier took her reaction as his answer for whatever question he had, and she clicked her tongue as she schooled her expression and scowled as she hid more of her visible face with her hat.

"But it is of no matter. I too was given a mission to apprehend you. And I shall do so now." He declared as he braced himself, activating his duel blade and manifesting an orange sword shaped duel blade from it.

"Tch! Go ahead. You can try." She snapped back as she rearmed her duel disk, purple duel blade manifested before her.

And once more, a duel began on the Academia's hidden outpost.


Barrett: 4000LP

Red Hat: 4000LP

And as the duel began she drew her starting hand. Taking the top five cards of her deck and took a deep breath. In truth, she just needed to win, that was all she needed to do.

But the problem was that it has been quite a while. She had been running around the entire city, and has been dueling several times in a row without even a break. It was slowly draining what stamina she had that remained, and it took her a moment to reorient herself.

And it was that short moment that her opponent took initiative. "The one who takes the initiative shall be the victor, My turn!" The blue haired man shouted aloud as he took the first turn, starting out with five cards in his hand.

She shook her head as she focused, as her opponent perused his cards, she did the same with her own-

"..." Stared at it, silently. Eye twitching. Of course in an important duel something like this would happen- her skill was supposed to have made something like this extremely unlikely, but as it was apparent, it was not impossible.

"I will normal summon Carrier Sentinel!" So her opponent declared aloud as he moved on to the Main Phase, snapping her out of her thoughts as he took out a card from his hand and placed it onto his duel blade. The monster then appeared before him, taking the form of a large military styled mechanical carrier, treading the ground beneath as it appeared in front of its summoner.

Carrier Sentinel - Dark/Machine/Level 4/Effect: 1000/1600

"And I shall activate its effect!" The dark blue haired man declared with a wave of his hand. "If Carrier Sentinel is summoned, I can add one Beast-Warrior Type monster from my deck to my hand!"

"An on-summon search?!" She said with genuine surprise, not expecting her opponent to have something like that. "And it's incredibly generic too. No, if anything its too generic." She mused as her eyes narrowed, and with her never having seen a card like that before could only mean that it was something that was never printed. And from its vaguely defined effects alone, she could understand why.

The monster's effect resolved successfully, and the grizzled man took out a card from his deck and revealed it for her to see. "I will add from my deck to my hand, Reborn Tengu!" So he declared, and alarm bells rang on her mind having known the card that he had added quite well.

Yet she kept her calm as she continued to watch her opponent make their plays, having far surpassed the barrier of expectations for someone of Academia's standards. A low bar with how most of them all ran Ancient Gears, but it was a bar nonetheless.

"Then I shall activate the Continuous Spell, Beastborg Fusioner!" And as he placed the card on his duel blade, an enlarged holographic projection appeared right before him, depicting the card art which shone brightly behind his singular monster.

"And I shall activate its effect!" He declared. "Once per turn, I can Fusion Summon one 'Beastborg' Fusion Monster from my Extra Deck, using monsters from my hand or my side of the field as Fusion Materials. However, while this card is face-up on the field I cannot normal summon or set monsters."

She had to blink when hearing the last clause of the card's effect. That's quite the heavy stipulation for a random once per turn fusion card, yet another card that she's never seen nor heard off as well. He was running an exclusive deck then.

Which means that he was actually a named 'character'. She shouldn't let her guard down then.

And as her thoughts went on, the man in front of her revealed the monster that he had added earlier during his turn. "I will fuse the Reborn Tengu in my hand, and the Carrier Sentinel on my field!" He declared aloud, raising his right hand as he held the two cards while the two monsters floated above him.

"O relentless raven, merge together with the watchman of the holy darkness, and raise a new war cry!" He shouted as the two monsters' forms began to distort inside a vortex of blue and orange. "Fusion Summon!" Then completed the summoning chant.

"Come forth and appear. Beastborg Panther Predator!" And the newly summoned monster appeared, taking the form of a panther, or more specifically Panther Warrior, the old Beast-Warrior card and most likely the actual fusion target for some reason, with its left half garbed in mechanical armour, as if half of it was made of metal. The singular scarlet orb in its chest gleaming under the light.

The monster's singular mechanical eye shone a menacing red as it brandished the gleaming silver blade that it wielded with its right hand. The green cape blowing behind it as it descended right next to its summoner. Ready to attack whatever its summoner wishes in its attack position.

Beastborg Panther Predator - Dark/Machine/Fusion/Level 6/Effect: 1600/2000

Finding the monster's attack quite low, she immediately searched the monster's name on a panel which was only seen by her, and as she read it she could feel her eye twitch.

"And I shall activate its effect." The dark blue haired Academia duelist declared. "Once per turn, I can inflict damage to my opponent equal to half this card's attack!" So he explained as the Fusion Monster hefted both of its hands above its head, before bringing it back down and shooting a scarlet beam from the scarlet orb in its chest.

One that was aimed at her, of course. And she did her best to mitigate whatever realistic damage the solid hologram would deal by positioning her duel blade right in its way.

Still, the damage stings as her duel disk rang the typical chime and static ran through her hand. "Tch. So it's still a burn strategy." She muttered under her breath. Why was she not surprised really, that an executive duelists from the Academia would rely on something like this.

Red Hat: 3200LP

"Hmph. I shall set three cards, and end my turn." So he declared as he set all three cards that he had left in his hand, and proceeded to end his turn. Ending with a Fusion Monster, three unknown set cards, a singular face-up Continuous Spell with essentially no important effects, and nothing left in his hand.

"Alright then, my turn. I draw." She said as she began her turn. Drawing a card for the start of her Draw Phase and-

Her eye twitched. Again. She kept herself from clicking her tongue however. She really should have expected something like this when playing Generaider's off all decks really. Something like this was bound to happen.

If anything, she was glad at the low power level of the world, or rather worlds' current 'format'. If anything else, she at least shouldn't be getting hand trapped anytime soon.

Yet she still had an opponent to defeat, and there was no use for whining. So she moved on to the Standby Phase, and then to the Main Phase as she then played her first card of the game. "I will start by activating the Spell, Generaider Boss Quest."

So she declared as she placed the card on her duel blade, the Spell Card's holographic projection shining in front of her.

"Hmph. So you indeed have discarded and changed into a new deck then." Her opponent muttered as he saw her activated card. "But it is of no matter. I have already seen what you are capable of, your tricks will prove of no match against me."

She continued on ignoring his banter. "Generaider Boss Quest allows me to reveal one 'Generaider' monster in my hand, and if I do, add up to two 'Generaider' Spells or Traps with different names from each other from my deck to my hand, except 'Generaider Boss Quest'. Then I place the revealed card on the bottom my deck." 

Finished with explaining the Spell Card's effect, she revealed the monster that she had had in her hand. "I will reveal Hela, Generaider Boss of Doom in my hand, and add The Field Spell, Generaider Boss Stage and the Continuous Trap, Generaider Boss Room."

So she said as she showed and added the two Spell and Trap cards, before then shuffling back the revealed monster back to her deck. "Then I will activate the Field Spell, Generaider Boss Stage." 

And with that she played her deck's signature card, and blue circles began to expand between the two of them from the middle of the warehouse. And the ground beneath them began to be cloaked with dark fog-like shadows.

"The same as before." Her opponent exclaimed at the sudden change in terrain, stumbling slightly as he saw a new source of light from above him. The grizzled man arched his head, and saw the Generaider's titular symbol, representing the nine worlds of Norse Mythology that it was based on.

"The troublesome Field Spell that they all had to encounter!" He noted aloud. "But as I said, it will be of no match against my own cards!" The man shouted as the monster before him also let out a cry, and again she ignored him, and continued with her incredibly short set of plays.

"Then I'll set three cards face-down, and end my turn." So she said, ending her turn after activating a Field Spell, and setting one measly card face-down. Finishing her own turn with two cards still remaining in her hand.

"Ha!" The large man exclaimed, a menacing grin. Gaining a sense of confidence as he saw the play that she had done, and the essentially empty field that she had ended with. "I guess you weren't as strong as they all said you were!" He said with a laugh.

"It's my turn! I draw!" So the man declared as he began his turn, drawing a card for his turn as he went second and starting off with six cards in his hand.

"Then, I will activate the effect of Generaider Boss Stage." And in response to him simply starting his turn, she declared so as the giant symbol hanging in the air shone.

"This effect was!" Her opponent shouted in alarm.

"Once per turn, if a card is added from the Main Deck to your hand, I can special summon one 'Genraider' monster from my deck in defence position." She explained calmly, waving her hand forwards as the glow of the gigantic symbol that flew above them took on an ominous red.

"It would activate even if I were to draw for my own Draw Phase-!?"

And the effects resolved. "I will special summon Loptr, Shadow of the Generaider Bosses in defence position." And of the symbols glowed a crimson colour, shining a light down onto her side of the field, and from it came her chosen monster. 

And with that she summoned the deck's one and only in-archetype normal summonable monster during her opponent's turn. The fairy in the guise of a man giving her opponent a condescending smile as he bowed at his entrance.

Loptr, Shadow of the Generaider Bosses - Fire/Fairy/Level 4/Effect: 1500/1500

With how the deck building was in this world, or worlds in this situation, she hasn't even needed to worry about Ash Blossom or Ghost Ogre too. For the most part.

And seeing that, her opponent clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Summoning during the opponent's turn! But that is no matter, a measly monster such as that will not be able to face-"

"And while Loptr is on the field, all 'Generaider' monsters that I control gains 1000 attack and defence during the opponent's turn, including himself." She explained as a red glow encompassed the robe wearing fairy, both his attack and defence increasing at the face of adversity.

Loptr, Shadow of the Generaider Bosses - Fire/Fairy/Level 4/Effect: 2500/2500

"2500! For a mere Level 4 monster!?" The man said with wide eyes.

"Then Generaider Boss Stage's effect activates." She declared. "If I special summon a 'Generaider' monster during your turn, I can special summon as many 'Generaider Tokens' as possible in attack position, but they are destroyed during the End Phase."

"That effect-!" He shouted with wide eyes. 

"Come, Generaider Tokens." She said with a wave, as the gigantic symbol above the field sent a pulse of energy once more. And from the pulsing lights came what she could only describe as a biblically accurate angel, with bodies made of gleaming silver and colourful gems decorating their forms. A bladed halo floating above what seems to be their head as four of them floated around her singular monster.

Generaider Token - Light/Fairy/Level 4/Effect: 1500/1500

Generaider Token - Light/Fairy/Level 4/Effect: 1500/1500

Generaider Token - Light/Fairy/Level 4/Effect: 1500/1500

Generaider Token - Light/Fairy/Level 4/Effect: 1500/1500

"Four monsters?! In quick succession?! So it could summon that many…" The grizzled man shouted with alarm, eyes opened wide as he saw the Field Spell's hard once per turn effect.

"And with Loptr on the field, both their attack and defence increases by 1000." She explained simply as all four tokens shone with golden auras, both their attacks and defence boosted by Loptr's mere existence.

Generaider Token - Light/Fairy/Level 4/Effect: 2500/2500

Generaider Token - Light/Fairy/Level 4/Effect: 2500/2500

Generaider Token - Light/Fairy/Level 4/Effect: 2500/2500

Generaider Token - Light/Fairy/Level 4/Effect: 2500/2500

"This is-all of this from me simply drawing a card for my turn?! How ridiculous!" The man shouted, gritting his teeth, yet did his best to kept his calm. "Then I shall activate my own Continuous Trap, Beast-Borg Medal of the Steel Chain!" The man declared flipping up one of the three set cards that he possessed. 

"And I shall do the same with my other set card, Beast-borg Medal of the Blade!" So the man declared as he flipped up another of his Continuous Traps, whose effects she now knows having read their effects ahead of time with the help of her System.

Once more, the chain of effects then resolved backwards, as a giant medal appeared ahead of her opponent, bearing the image of crossing swords and the other being a gigantic metal medal encumbered by chains.

"Beast-Borg Medal of the Iron Chain's effect, while I control a 'Beastborg' monster, if a monster or monsters is special summoned to my opponent's side of the field, I can activate this effect; those monsters cannot attack, change their battle positions, or be destroyed by battle!"

Even after hearing that, she still kept her calm. Knowing full well that this effect wasn't really that important compared to one of the cards that he actually had that she was truly wary of. But even then, this was one of the hand's that could actually beat his set up.

Something that was, much to her surprise, was something that was only possible mostly because of the scuffed hand that she had begun with.

And her opponent still continued, waving his right hand outwards towards the shining tokens on her field. "And I shall make all those monsters of yours useless!" Then metal chains appeared out of the metal medallion in front of him and chained down all four tokens, with them all letting out a saddening cry as it happened.

Yet she wasn't deterred at all. She merely raised an eye as she saw her opponent activate the effect that the Continuous Trap could only activate once while face-up on the field on monsters that would disappear at the end of the turn, or perhaps even sooner if she had her way.

A missplay perhaps? She wondered what the last set card that he had seen wasn't the actual brain turn off floodgate that she had almost double taken after scrolling past. Perhaps it was the battle trap?

Well whatever it is, her Cosmic Cyclone would check it either way if needed be. Though there certainly wasn't a need of drawing all three of them was there?

"Tch, but those monsters will do nothing! Even with that attack boost, I will still defeat them!" So the man declared as he waved his hand forward. "I will use the effect of Beastborg Panther Warrior once more! And deal 800 points of damage to you!"

The mechanical Fusion Monster then raised its hands once more, the red orb in its chest shining as it prepared to shoot.

"Then I will chain Loptr's effect." She declared, chaining the effect of her own monster.  "During the Main Phase, as a Quick Effect, I can tribute one 'Generaider' monster that I control to special summon one Level 9 'Generaider' monster with a different name from my deck."

Done with explaining Loptr's effects, she then waved a hand to pay its cost. "I will tribute one of my tokens." She declared, as one of the four chained tokens then disappeared at the wave of Loptr's hand.

"What!?" He declared with wide eyes, before they regained their gleam as he shouted. "You fool! Then I shall activate the Continuous Trap, Fiendish Chain!" The dark blue haired man declared as he flipped up the unknown set, revealing it to be Fiendish Chain of all cards.

Her eyes narrowed as he began explaining the effect of a card that she's known for years. "I can activate this card by targeting one Effect Monster on the field, negate the effects of that face-up monster while it is on the field, and that face-up monster cannot attack!"

"So the last set was Fiendish?" She muttered, before shaking her head. "Then I will chain the Continuous Trap, Generaider Boss Room." She said, flipping up one of her own set cards in response.

The card that depicted Hela was then flipped face-up as the holographic artwork shone, and she began explaining its effects. "Generaider Boss Room's effect can be activated when you activate a card or effect in response to the activation of my 'Generaider' card or effect." She began.

"It allows me to discard one card, and change your activated effect into 'each player draws one card'." She said, finishing explaining the Continuous Trap's effect to protect her cards in a chain.

"Impossible!" Her opponent shouted with shock at her explanation, and she then paid the card's cost of activation.

"I will discard Cosmic Cyclone, to change the effect of your Fiendish Chain to have both of us draw one card instead." She declared as she discarded the backrow removal option from her hand, and had both of them draw instead much to her opponent's dismay.

Then of course, Loptr's effect resolves. "Appear before me, Harr, Generaider Boss of Storms." And with a mad grin the human-like fairy raised his hands as high as he could as dark purple lights shone from the gigantic symbol that hung above their heads. And from it cameher deck's titular 'Boss Monster'.

What came was a monster clad in a cloak made of darkness, and garbed in dark grey armour adorned with golden accents. He carried with him a giant staff, and a pair of large horns protruding from his unseen face, his singular right eye shining ominously as the only part of its face which could be seen. And Loptr sending her opponent a condescending smirk from behind Harr's large form.

Harr, Generaider Boss of Storms - Dark/Spellcaster/Level 9/Effect: 3000/3000

Though sadly, as Harr was only summoned at the second part of the chain, she didn't get to use its handrip effect from Boss Room's draws. Chains truly are something aren't they.

"And with Loptr on the field, he gains an additional 1000 attack and defence." She said aloud as a dark purple glow emanated from the newly summoned monster. With Harr letting out a hum as his powers were strengthened.

Harr, Generaider Boss of Storms - Dark/Spellcaster/Level 9/Effect: 4000/4000

"That's-!? No matter! You still take the damage!" Though he faltered upon seeing Harr's being summoned, he regained his ground once more as he resolved the chain of effects. The mechanical beast letting out a roar as it shot a beam of energy that went past her wall of monsters and right directly at her.

Again, she took the brunt of it with her duel disk while she clicked her tongue again. "This truly is getting annoying however." She said with a small frown as her duel disk chimed at her lowered Life Points.

Red Hat: 2400LP

"But that's not all!" The man declared aloud, waving his hand outwards as his face remained stone cold in concentration. "With Beast-borg Medal of the Steel Chain face up on my side of the field, should you take damage, all face-up monsters that you control lose damage equal to the damage that you took!"

Yet that also wasn't the end of it too. "Beast-borg Medal of the Blade activates as well! Once per turn, when I inflict damage to you, I can place 1 Medal Counter on it for every 100 damage that was inflicted to you!"

Ah a chain block, how quaint. With it being an activated effect she could have technically taken it out the last resolving one with Harr, yet she opted not to. There was still something else that she could use it on if the turn goes according to how she envisioned it.

So she let her opponent continue unhindered. "And as you took 800 damage, I shall put eight Medal Counters on Beast-borg Medal of the Blade!" So the dark blue haired man said as eight golden medals appeared right in front of the medallion.

"Then all of your monsters have their attacks reduced by 800!" He declared aloud as the chain covered medal shone, the chains that held up her remaining tokens tightening and all of her monsters let out a cry of dismay as their attacks were lowered, almost making Loptr's stat boost ineffective.

Loptr, Shadow of the Generaider Bosses - Fire/Fairy/Level 4/Effect: 1700/2500

Generaider Token - Light/Fairy/Level 4/Effect: 1700/2500

Generaider Token - Light/Fairy/Level 4/Effect: 1700/2500

Generaider Token - Light/Fairy/Level 4/Effect: 1700/2500

Harr, Generaider Boss of Storms - Dark/Spellcaster/Level 9/Effect: 3200/4000

"Now, Battle!" The grizzled duelist declared aloud as he waved his hands forward. "I shall attack one of your tokens with Beastborg Panther Warrior!" And with his suicide order given, the Fusion Monster let out a beastly warcry as it leapt right directly towards one of her tokens. Heaving the large blade as it prepared to attack.

As she had thought, this was the play that he went with then.

The two monsters clashed, the half mechanical beast clashing its blade against the ethereal fairy, and only losing in the battle of power by a small margin. Destroying the Fusion Monster in its suicide run.

Of course the residual battle damage was taken by the monster;s owner. Who took it without even a change in his expression.

Barrett: 3900LP

"Now! Beastborg Panther Predator's effect activates!" The grizzled man declared as he waved his hand forwards. "If this card is destroyed by battle, and all the Fusion Materials that were used for its Fusion Summon are in my graveyard, I can special summon all of them!"

And here it was. "Then I shall respond with Harr's own effect." She declared with a tilt of her head, and the monster cloaked in storms responded with a heave of his staff. "When a card or effect is activated, as a Quick Effect, I can tribute 2 'Generaider' and or Spellcaster monsters, to negate the activation, and if I do, destroy that card." She said as Harr raised his hand, lightning crackling from his mere movement.

"What!?"Her opponent shouted with clear shock that was shown on his face, stumbling back as she interacted right at the crucial moment of his strategy.

"I will tribute the remaining two tokens." She said simply, and with a wave two out of the three remaining chained tokens disappeared from the face of her field. "And negate the effect of Beastborg Panther Predator."

With a wave of his hand, lighting struck from the dark storms that covered Harr. All directed towards her opponent's field where the Fusion Monster once was. And the Academia soldier instinctively raised both of his hands ahead of him as he braced himself. 

"Gagh!" He let out as the crackles of lighting negated his Fusion Monster's floating effect, leaving him with an empty board barring the line up of Continuous cards he had on his back.

It was a solid plan, for what his strategy was, that is. Though it wasn't without its demerits of course, as losing his only Beastborg meant that that one of his Continuous Trap would disappear, but in response he would have gotten a slight bit more advantage if she had read Carrier Sentinel Correctly, that and he could also wall with Reborn Tengu that would be brought onto the field.

But sadly, Harr checks most things that he could have done quite well with it being an omni negate that he couldn't get rid off easily with Loptr on the field. He could have gotten some more damage if he had used the other Continuous Trap's effect to boost his monster's attack, but then she could easily let that go and beat him in the crack back.

Just like what she was going to do on her next turn really.

"... with no Beastborg monster on my field, Beast-borg Medal of the Steel Chain is destroyed." The man said with a grimace as his middling floodgate disappeared from the field, and he scrunched his brows, glancing at the two cards left in his hand, one from his draw, the other from Boss Room's effect.

And he clicked his tongue before playing one of them. "I shall use the Spell, Magic Planter!" He declared aloud, playing the Spell Card that he had drawn for turn, and its holographic projection shining in front of him. 

A small frown reappeared on her face before she schooled her features again as he explained the Spell Card's effect. "Magic Planter allows me to send one face-up Continuous Trap that I control to the graveyard, to draw two cards!"

Then the dark blue haired duelist wave his hand forward to the one card that he no longer had use for. "I will send Fiendish Chain to the graveyard, to draw two cards!" And draw two cards he did, sending the useless Continuous Trap for a total of three cards in his hand.

Which of course, counted as him adding cards to his hand. "Then I shall activate the effect of Harr, Generaider Boss of Storms." She declared once more, as Harr's singular eye glowed ominously.

"Another effect!?" The Academia soldier shouted out as he glared at her monster.

"Once per turn, if my opponent adds a card or cards from the deck to their hand except during the Draw Phase, I can make my opponent send one monster, of their choice, from their hand or field to the graveyard." She explained as the gigantic monster clad in storms raised its hand once more, a torrent of power coming out from him.

The dark blue haired man gritted his teeth, his disdain clearly showing as he then sent a monster card from his hand to the graveyard, that being of course the titular Panther Warrior.

"... I will end my turn." The man said with a deep scowl, ending his turn without having managed to break the board that she had formed right on his very turn, a field barren of monsters and what amounts to a useless Continuous Trap on his side of the field, along with a singular card left in his hand.

"Then at the end of the turn the last Generaider Token will disappear." She said as the transient fairy-like existence disappeared from her field. And her opponent's turn then ended.

And along with it the status boost that came from Loptr. Yet the attack and defence reduction from Medal of the Steel Chain still remained.

Loptr, Shadow of the Generaider Bosses - Fire/Fairy/Level 4/Effect: 700/1500

Harr, Generaider Boss of Storms - Dark/Spellcaster/Level 9/Effect: 2200/3000

And from here, the game is all but over. "Then it's my turn. I'll draw." And she started her turn with a draw, and three cards in her hand to finish this duel.

She glanced at the card that she had drawn, and felt her eyebrow twitch. Ah, of course, it was now that she would get a relatively playable turn one card wouldn't it? There wasn't even any need for it anyway. 

"I'll activate Loptr's effect once more." She declared, waving a hand to her side, gesturing towards the blonde human-like fairy who sent a malicious grin down her opponent's way. "I will tribute Loptr himself for cost of his effect activation." 

Again the shadow of the Generaider Bosses performed a mocking bow, disappearing without a word from the face of the field. Without an interruption, the effect resolves, and Loptr was replaced with a whole other monster. 

"I will special summon Vala, Seidhr of the Generaider Bosses." She declared, as the white rober garbed monster appeared onto the field, sitting on top of a fragment of Jormungandr that sprouted from the ground below.

Vala, Seidhr of the Generaider Bosses - Fire/Fairy/Level 9/Effect: 2500/2500

"Two Level 9 monsters-!"

There really wasn't any need to even drag this any longer. "Battle. Go, my monsters." She said simply with a wave of her hand, and the two Generaider Bosses waved their chosen staffs in conjunction, sending a torrent of power towards her enemy.

"G-GAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Who could do nothing but  raise his hand in defence, yet even that wasn't enough as he was thrown from the shockwave of the realistic holograms' attack, sending him flying across the warehouse until he hit the wall on the other side.

And slumping down towards the ground, head hung low as he lay unconscious from the blow.

Thus, the duel ended.

Barrett: 0LP

And she was left alone once more.


"... so was there nothing that important in this place?"

Such was the thing that she grumbled to herself, having turned the warehouse upside down in search of something, anything, that has any sense of importance that could be left in this place.

Now don't get her wrong, she had already found some things that she would deem important, the handful of duel disks that she had found stashed away, along with of course some rations placed in crates.

An important note however, was that the Academia soldier that she had defeated, along with the other Academia spies along with him, had disappeared after she had defeated them. Just like those trio that had defended that clown and allowed him to lead her here in the first place.

It irked her to no end. Though she had noted that their disappearance had taken some time. A window of time standing around a few seconds, around ten to fifteen or so.

She grimly thought that that window of time would be enough for her to use one of these newly acquired Academia duel disks to turn them into a pile of cards, if she knew how to of course.

The thought sends a twist to her stomach, yet it was true that doing that was basically the most effective way of lowering the number of resources that That Man and the Academia could have on hand. A way to permanently remove them from the playing field.

If they had no way of turning people back from cards to, well, people that is.

But such was the worst of the worst of scenarios, in more ways than one, that would end in either the Academia having virtually an endless force, or them having no such way to turn any victims of their war crimes back.

But she digressed, there was no use of her thinking of what ifs, these were things that she would figure out later. Of that, she had no doubt.

She had searched around this place, and found nothing of true importance. She let out a sigh, a frown found its way on her face as she looked around the warehouse filled with scattered crates.

And a wall of them, neatly stacked, all at one side of the wall.

"Right, I guess I haven't checked that part haven't I?" She muttered to herself.

So with that thought, she placed the rations that she had found back in its crate, as she walked into a part of the warehouse filled with a wall of crates. Empty, wooden crates that, if she remembered the size of the warehouse correctly, took around a third of its size.

She placed a hand on one, and knocked on the wooden crate. The echo that she heard affirmed her suspicion. She paced, knocking on the other wooden crates and hearing the same echoing noise, with one giving out a different sound.

And with a push, she found the crate moving without disturbing the formation around it. She couldn't help the small smile that appeared on her face. "Well who would have thought. A fake wall. How incredibly villainous of them."

She stepped foot inside the warehouse's hidden compartment, a side hidden by a wall of fake crates, and found all that she was looking for.

More Academia equipment, a wall lined with clothing which blended into the background along with the typical Academia Obelisk Blue jacket and masks scattered about, along with many little tidbits that told her how this place was clearly lived in.

Yet her attention was drawn to the room's centre piece, one that she approached warily. One connected to generators of electricity, a handful of computer screens, and cables and wires that connected them all.

A large circular mechanism that was larger than herself, around two and a half meters in diameter, a technological marvel that hums with power and mystery even as it was unactivated.

While she didn't truly know what it was, she could make an educated guess. The one singular piece of machinery that was hidden and needing this much care and needing this many generators to even function, along with its shape made her draw to a singular conclusion.

This thing that that Academia soldier along with the others were defending wasn't merely a safety warehouse for the Academia in this dimension. But an entry and exit point that they could access. 

It would seem that she had hit the jackpot.

The first thing that she immediately did was to turn off all of the power source that was connected to the machine at the centre. She wondered why they hadn't stormed right through that gate the very moment that she had sent their defeated guardians back to their dimension. Did the machine take some time to activate?

Or perhaps, like everything else, the level of response time that the Academia had was as low as the dueling skill of their grunts. Something near nonexistent.

Either way, she was lucky. But luck was sadly something that she couldn't rely on forever.

She wouldn't doubt that news of this outpost having fallen outside of their control wouldn't have been known throughout the rest of the Academians that were stationed in this dimension. More likely than not, they would be ordered to stay low, to ground themselves deeper than before.

"Which would mean that they'll be harder to find…" She mumbled with a click of her tongue, noting how annoying it would be if they were to do so and becoming harder to rat out and find.

"No. Wait." She noted aloud once more, turning and striding as fast as she could towards the stack of papers that was on one of the tables beside the mechanical gate. And began sorting through them as fast as she could. "If this place is an outpost, then surely there should be…"

She was hopeful that there should be an important piece of information on this hidden section of the warehouse, if not in these mess of paperwork, then perhaps on one of the computers-

Her eyes widened as she pulled out a particular piece of paper, one that unfolded to be several times larger than its original folded form. A piece of coloured parchment with several dotted circles, along with 'x's.

A map. Of what she could only assume to be outposts and places of interest, seeing as one of the dots shown to be the exact place that she was at.

"Ha!" She laughed with glee as a grin overtook her frown. "Well good on them for still using printed maps of all things." She fully unfolded the piece of paper and placed it on the table to inspect it, taking it in full.

She noted the amount of outposts that they had, a handful of them scattered around the ring of Heartland City, and a few placed inside of it like this warehouse. Did they plan to box in the Heartland citizens to prevent their escape?

The grin that she had just gotten immediately turned into a solid frown once more, as a solemn aura befell her. That was something that she couldn't stand for, if their aim was to card everyone then-

Then of course cutting their road for escape was the most effective method. To put methods of their numerous mind controlled soldiers in all but name entry directly to cut off any path that anyone could have outside of heartland. 

And from then, they would simply cut the size, culling the remaining survivors of whatever initial assault they had planned by shrinking their size of influence slowly but surely.

It sickened her how effective it was. A simple yet effective plan of culling an entire city for whatever wicked desire That Man had.

Her hand balled to fist as she took a deep breath, her mind moved from the handful of dots placed on the map onto the crosses that it held, the areas of interest that it took notes for.

It checks the police stations, of course. Buildings that house duelists who would stop unruly individuals from dueling by, well, dueling them. Figures that she had seen in passing having sent the handful of unconscious Numbers possessed individuals their way.

A logical mark to take down first, she thought. If their assault ambushes the point of security of Heartland, then they wouldn't have a way to respond to anything else.

There were a few other points of interest, local areas, parks, dueling academies, arenas, stadiums, yet the one that she fully took notice of was the one that lay on the centre of Heartland.

Heartland Tower, the titular heart of the city.

"Now why would they place focus on that place?" She mused, crossing her arms in front of her and a hand under her chin. Was it because it was a symbol? To give a show of how futile their resistance will be by taking it down? Or was there something more in play?

She didn't know, and she doubts she ever will know for that matter.

She wondered what other piece of information they had here. Duelists of interest perhaps? That would certainly be something to take note of. She began to skim through the piles of papers once more-

Yet were cut by the vibrating of her duel disk, and she glanced down at her left hand, her duel disk showing her a ping of notification.

Confused, she opened it and was immediately assaulted by noise.

"YUUNA! WHERE ARE YOU!" Screeched her duel disk with a familiar voice, one loud enough to make her wince away from her own hand that housed it.

"Anna?" She asked. "What are you-"


"Huh?" She blinked, confused at what she was referring to. "What's starting? Anna, what are you talking about?" She asked again.

"Wha-SERIOUSLY!? Did you seriously not hear it!? It's literally all over the city!"

"Anna just tell me what I missed. I'm kind of doing something important here." She ushered the girl from the other side of the call as she kept skimming through the papers on the table, she doubts that it would be all that important-

"It's the World Duel Carnival! It's going to start in just a few minutes!"

That brought her to a stop, her hand stopping just right as it was moving to grab another piece of paper. "What." Was the response that she managed to muster.

"Well, not in a few minutes really, its still-like-an our or so, but how come you haven't heard of it!? It's literally all over the city!" The cherry haired girl's voice resounded from her duel disk.

"I said I was busy!" She hissed out as she frantically folded the map to something more manageable, hurriedly glancing towards the entire room to take note of anything else that was important for her to take back with her. "How come it's starting earlier than planned!"

"Well how should I know! All that everyone knows is that those blimps flying up suddenly had Mr. Heartland on their screens and said that the World Duel Carnival's starting sooner than planned and that all duelists should prepare themselves or whatever!"

That's-for an event that was world wide, how could they just-unbelieveable!

She took a deep breath to calm herself down. "Alright. Alright, thanks Anna. I probably wouldn't have known this if you hadn't told me."

"Well you're welcome! Though you probably would have noticed it since it's literally hanging above your head! Anyway, I've got to go now bye!" And just as suddenly as she had come, Anna disconnected from the call, leaving her alone once more.

As much as she wanted to explore this place more and uncover more of its secrets, it seemed that her time was far more limited than she had thought. Especially with this just being dropped on her.

She sent a glance down towards the giant machine at the centre of this hideout, contemplating on what she should do with it. She could simply leave it be, but doing so would leave it to a chance where the Academia could simply reclaim the outpost and proceed as planned.

And she wasn't knowledgeable enough about machinery, and most specifically this machine in specific, to fiddle with the machine to try and sabotage them. To actually hamper the machine itself were it to be used.

But in the end, the simplest method that she could think of was the same method that had most possible earned her of That Man's ire. And most likely the reason as to why she was so well known by the Academia grunts to the point where they had just earlier.

A feeling of something bloomedC inside her, and she grabbed it as tight as she could.

She took a deep breath, and exhaled as she extended her left hand outwards, and with a flick of her wrist, turned on her duel disk, its purple holographic duel blade manifesting onto the world.

Wordlessly, she drew a card from the top of her deck, and the figure of Harr stared back.

'How poetic, of course the 'Boss Monster' of the archetype would come out.' Such was her thought as she placed the card onto her duel blade. 

And then felt something be drained from her.

Though a duel was not committed, though there were no opponents to face, the solid hologram of the giant monster, though sized appropriate to the venue of course. 

Her gaze met the giant monster's singular red eye, and she nodded her head. With a wave of her hand, she commanded. "Harr! Crush it!" And felt a pulse of something wash over her, and the gigantic Spellcaster then waved its staff.

A wave of energy washed throughout the room, and a bolt of divine lightning struck the machinery from the ether, and with a flash, it exploded.

The large form of Harr defended herself from the shrapnels that flew from the resulting explosion, sparks that came from the nearby electronics that were fried from the resulting blast.

Within a flash, all that was left of the machinery, and all others connected to it. Was simply junk.

She glanced at her hands, or more correctly the duel disk attached to her, and the card that was placed there. This wasn't the first time that she had done something like this-to use solid vision holograms to cause collateral damage.

This was something that the Academia intended to do, the intended use of solid holograms of their making. Yet her's wasn't fully just that was it? For spirit shenanigans was in play as well.

It was a shame that she couldn't glean any sort of information or data from the electronics, there might have been some form of important data there, but she was in a time crunch. Especially with this sudden bomb dropping on her. 

"Thank you." She thanked the monster as it disappeared from the face of the world, and she took a few steps to grab as much of the papers that she could, grabbing them to take with her. 

The rest? Well, the remains of the now broken machinery did left a small fire, she could use some excuse to commit justified arson.


With that said and done, she exited the hidden room, patting herself from the dust waving away the smoke that arose from inside. "Might also need to actually call emergency services for this. Don't want to accidentally have the fire spread too far, or outside of this place at all for that matter." She grumbled as she did just so, and walked towards the warehouse's exit.

"Right, that was a thing that I did wasn't it?" She groaned to herself as she walked out of the warehouse. "Now where is-" She said as she exited the warehouse in search of the defeated duelist-

And found him gone. Most likely having regained consciousness and disappearing to anywhere else but near her vicinity.

"As if the day just couldn't get any worse." She mumbled as she stared up towards the gigantic blimp flying high above in the sky, counting down the amount of time that they all had left before the start of the preliminaries of the World Duel Carnival.


[Numbers Hunt]

Collect all 99 [XYZ Dimension] exclusive Numbers

Rewards: 999999DP, Reputation (???) Up, Reputation (???) Down, Numbers 100: Numeron Dragon [XYZ Dimension] x1, XYZ Master Pack Unlocked


Failure: XYZ Dimension Reputation all Down, ??? Will invade the XYZ Dimension immediately

Due to external factors, the time of completing this quest has changed!

[Deadline: The end of the World Duel Carnival (3 Days, 10 Hours, 20 Minutes, 9 Seconds remaining)]

15/99 Numbers collected

Next chapter