
Chapter 132: A Girl and Her Dog, Part 2

Elgin National, Friday, January 8, 2038

Cathy scowled at Thomas. "I'm not ready to date anyone. You do realize that I'm still mourning my husband, Paul, don't you?"

"Alright," answered Thomas, "but I'm not suggesting we start dating regularly. I only would like to take you to dinner tonight. You said you had nothing else going on. Not to sound insensitive, dear, but in your timeline, your husband has been gone for well over a year."

"A year and five months to be exact," she answered. "But listen, I never dated much before meeting Paul. I like you as a friend and colleague, but I just don't want to give you the wrong impression. Besides, you're too young for me."

"I'm only about five years younger," Thomas argued. "Perhaps, Edmond or Joe Bulova is more to your liking."

"Now you're just being absurd and starting to tick me off."

Thomas sighed deeply. "I apologize, dear. Let me start over, then... Cathy, would you join me for dinner tonight as a friend and colleague."


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