
Chapter 113: Hey Hey, Part 2

Katya and Cyrus left the conference room along with everybody else and walked towards their offices.

"Dawn was unnaturally quiet in there," Cyrus said as he slipped his hand into Katya's.

"Yeah, she was. I'm worried about her. I think she somehow blames herself for what Louie did."

They got to Cyrus's office first, and Katya walked in with him.

"I'm getting antsy, Cy," said Katya sitting down in his side chair. "I can't wait to go on Pilgrimage with you to Boston. There's always that hope I'll find out what year I came from and find my family."

Cyrus looked at her. "I don't think I ever asked you...I know you remember what your family looks like, but do you know their names?"

"Only that my family name was Sevnik. I don't remember my parent's first names. Just recently, I remembered my sister's name was Lena, but I still couldn't find out anything about her."

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