
Chapter 111: Fox and Rabbit, Part 3

"I am going to tell the story of Ongwe Ias, the fox, and the rabbit. One winter, Rabbit was going along through the snow when he saw Fox. It was too late to hide, for Fox had caught Rabbit's scent."

"I am Ongwe Ias, the one who will eat you!" barked Fox. "You cannot escape me!"

"Rabbit began to run away, very fast but Fox was gaining on him, ‘I am Ongwe Ias,' Fox barked again. "You cannot escape."

"Rabbit knew he had to be smart, so he slipped off his moccasins and told them to run on ahead. The moccasins began to run, leaving tracks in the snow. Then, using his magic power, Rabbit made himself look like dead, rotten meat and laid down by the trail.

"When Fox came to the dead rabbit, he did not even stop to sniff at it. ‘This meat has gone bad,' he said. Then, seeing the tracks in the snow, he began to follow them and finally caught up with Rabbit's old moccasins.

"Hah," Fox snarled, "this time, he has fooled me, but next time, I will eat the meat no matter how rotten it looks."

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