
Chapter 81: The Clock Struck One, Part 2

They were weary by the time they made it back to Paul's little house in Haight-Ashbury. Cathy and Doc went inside to check on Dawn while Paul set up his tent on the street as others had done.

Dawn was asleep but roused when Cathy checked her forehead with the back of her hand.

"How do you feel?" Cathy asked.

"Like a ton of brick fell on me, which they almost did. My arm's killing me. What time is it? Shouldn't we make the jump back home?"

"The sun will be going down soon," answered Cathy. "We should rest for the night. We'll talk about going home in the morning when we're fresh."

Doc wiggled his nose in to sniff Dawn.

"What's that?" Dawn asked.

"That's my friend, Doc. We rescued him from a pet shop. He would have burned up in the fires. Isn't he cute?"

"Never been big on dogs," Dawn stated, "got bit once when I was little. I've been afraid of them ever since."

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