
Chapter 77: At the Breaking of Dawn, Part 2

Dawn looked at them and realized that more was going on than just a nice man helping out in a tragedy.

Paul gave Cathy a quick kiss and leaped up the stairs with new-found hope.

"I'm going to see if my bedroom is safe for Dawn to sleep in. I'll also scrounge up some food." At that, Paul was out of sight.

"It's so good to see you Cath," Dawn finally said. "I didn't think I would." She started to cry but steeled herself. "I don't think I'm strong enough to time-travel back home yet. I'm sorry."

"You just rest today," Cathy said. "Paul and I will take care of you."

"What's the story with Paul?" Dawn asked.

"Just as the earthquake hit, he came like an angel in the night and kept me safe. Hearts, I think I'm falling in love with him."

Dawn looked at her. "This is the big one right; we are in 1906?"

Cathy nodded.

"Well, don't go falling for someone from another time. It will just hurt that much more when you leave him and realize that he's but a ghost in our time."

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