
Chapter 59: Gilded Egg Shells, Out to Sea, Part 2

Cyrus and Dickory wandered up on deck. He noticed there was no evidence of extra lifeboats ever being mounted. This may be the first tangible proof because in the 2037 Titanic lifeboats had been mounted and removed.

Cyrus came bounding back to the staircase. "Isn't it RC being here on the Titanic in 1912?"

Then he noticed that Katya was sobbing. Dickory became agitated. He paced for a moment and then lay down with his head on Katya's leg.

"What is it?" Cyrus asked. "What's the matter?"

"I don't get you, Cyrus. I don't understand most men. How can you be so clinical about this ship? In five days, fifteen hundred people are going to lose their lives here. Don't you feel that? How can you separate that horror from how cool the ship is?"

"I don't know, I just do," answered Cyrus.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart," Katya replied. "I don't mean to take it out on you. It is just so overwhelmingly sad."

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