
Chapter 26: Olde Tymes, Part 2

April 22, 1946

Kevin and Cheryl decided to take a walk to the Wabash Avenue Bridge after a nonproductive day of job hunting. They stood there looking around and down at the river.

"It's hard to imagine that the Chicago Fire jumped this river," Kevin said to her. "They never thought it would. It burned all the way to Lincoln Park. It's easy to forget just how big and devastating that fire was."

As Kevin held Cheryl's hand and stared down into the river, he got the strangest sensation. He felt intense heat and heard the sounds of bells and screaming. It appeared to be dark except for the glow of a fire all around them. Cheryl squeezed his hand and then all at once they were back in 1946 at high noon.

"Um, did you see that?" she asked.

"No," Kevin teased. "Unless you mean feeling like we were in the Chicago Fire."

"What the heck, dude?" she replied.

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