
Chapter 13: Hiding in Yesterday, Part 3

Katya waited while Cyrus showered. She snuck a peek of him through the mirrored closet door. He was standing at the sink, shaving and shirtless. She knew she was extremely attracted to him, ever since the first time she laid eyes on him at National. Now seeing him as a 1963 gentleman, she was beyond attracted. She felt a warm passion that she hadn't felt before.

"The Old Spice I bought you will go extremely well with your ensemble today," she said, looking him over to make sure everything was perfect. "I'm wearing Ambush. Do you like it?"

* * * *

Cyrus walked up close to her as she cocked her head so he could smell her neck. He inhaled the fragrance, which was a mixture of the perfume and her. He wanted to kiss her. He wished they could just stay where they were for the rest of the day. But she gave him a warm hug and motioned toward the door.

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