
Chapter 45

The council met in the large domed chamber that had hosted countless meetings for centuries, a grand room with white marbled walls detailed in ornate loops of gold. The Realm's tax dollars at work.

Terrence found the council, for the most part, to be a wasteful bunch, using up monetary resources for things like plush velvet chairs and dragon melted slag floors. Personally, he'd not seen the problem with the previous flooring of dwarf mined slate. Sinclair, his poor deluded brother, had tried with little success since his return to get them to send their resources to areas that needed it most, but as Terrence had discovered during his short tenure, it was hard to move a bureaucracy that was happy with the status quo.

With nods of greeting to those they knew, Sinclair sat in his appointed seat while Terrence took up a position behind him to provide support if needed.

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