
Chapter 29

Hunter walked into the agency with a whistle. Suzie had agreed to go out with him. He had no idea why this made him so happy, but it did. And she'd said yes, even after the pathetic little speech he'd given about liking her. Okay, so it was true, but talking about your feelings like that, out loud, well, that just wasn't manly. He'd just have to remember not to tell anyone. Oh, and he'd have to hit the gym and sweat a little maybe, too. Anything to bring his testosterone levels back up so he stopped spouting sappy shit whenever he saw her. Since when did the hunter talk about his feelings? The boys back home would just be howling if they'd heard him. Hell, he'd have howled, too, if it was one of them.

No one sat at the computer desks, and Bob's office lay empty, so Hunter made himself comfortable at one of the desks. Grabbing a piece of paper and a pen, he started writing a letter to his mother. What to tell her?

Dear Mother, he started writing.

Next chapter