
Chapter 49

She pulled him down to her, steeped herself in his heat, the burn of his skin, and the fever of his lips. It felt so good to be with him again, to touch him, and feel the weight of him as he pressed down on her. Both lust and love became a shock to her system, their mouths soon a frenzied blaze of lips and tongues.

Then, with outrageous hunger, he nipped her cheeks, her throat, and the curve of her neck and shoulders. All those days and nights without each other, had finally come to this, the unleashed fury of their bodies and souls. Allie felt beyond caring when his hands tore away the bodice of her dress and he began a brutal assault on her breasts, kneading and pinching. Fabric continued to rip and shred, and soon his hands wrought havoc all along her exposed body, teasing and exciting, and making her suffer a slow burn of desire. His mouth kissed a trail from her throat down to her navel, his tongue seeming to taste every pore.

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