
Chapter 1039: The Next Step. 3

Chapter 1039: The Next Step. 3

"Hey, it's funny, isn't it?" The Vampire version of him spoke.

"Indeed, it is funny." The version in his Nightmare Form spoke with a distorted voice.

"A mere gate preventing my progress." The Vampire Victor spoke in disdain.

"Limitations do not exist for me, so why is this here?" Eldritch Victor spoke, genuinely confused.

"It's puzzling, isn't it?" Vampire Victor said.

"Indeed. Why is it here?" Eldritch Victor asked again.

"Who knows? But does it matter? I just need to destroy it." Vampire Victor said.

"That is true... It doesn't matter." Eldritch Victor said. "Anything in the way of my progress must disappear."

Then, the two acted in unison, placing their hands behind them, and the next moment, a greatsword was created.

The version of the Greatsword from Vampire Victor was a deep red with shades of black.

Victor Eldritch's version was abyssal black, filled with eyes.

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