
Chapter 997: Daddy loves his daughters and spoils them so much. 3

Chapter 997: Daddy loves his daughters and spoils them so much. 3

"The game ended when you bit your tongue, Evelyn," the other blonde spoke calmly.

"Ugh, you too, Melina." Evelyn shrank at the blow from the two blondes.

'These Sisters of mine, aren't they very petty? They waste no time pointing fingers at me when I bite my tongue. In the first place, it only happened because of my Sister's big name!' She grumbled internally.

Four little girls were gathered. Starting with the black-haired girls, there was Princess Evelyn Elderblood, Eve and Victor's Daughter, and Princess Nikolina Nia Nefela Elderblood, Nyx and Victor's Daughter, who both proudly declared themselves Princesses.

On the side, with the blondes were Melina Elderblood, Maria and Victor's Daughter, followed by Julia Elderblood, Naty and Victor's Daughter, a girl named after the Maid who was like a mother to Sasha.

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