
Chapter 452: Apex predator.

Chapter 452: Apex predator.

A group of 9 people fully equipped in armor were running above the speed of sound. The man led the group to 'clear' the way, and the girls were following behind the man in a straight line to catch the wind tunnel and not get caught in the wind or get tired unnecessarily.

As the man was the one with the most stamina due to his special condition, he promptly volunteered to go ahead.

"Eleonor, a pack of the Behemoth class in front of us."

"Yes." Eleanor looked at the girls with her monster eyes, and the girls nodded their heads as their eyes slowly changed to become similar to Eleanor's.

The sclera of Eleanor's eyes were completely black, and her pupil was as thin as a reptile and green in color with golden undertones.

"Conflicting in 3... 2... 1... Now!"

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