
No way! Ghost in room 2104!

Time goes by so fast. Jack continued to approach Chloe slowly. The way thing he could gain her trust at that time.

But his efforts were not in vain because Jack managed to get Chloe and Frank to get acquainted. Even though, it was difficult at first. But in the end, the two of them had shown their interest in their first meeting.

And unfortunately, until now, no one can know about what happened to Felix. Nor does the mysterious patient that has not been solved.

Jack is meeting more and more often to discuss this matter with Harika. The two of them are actually getting closer because of this very mysterious matter.

In a special massage room in the pavilion. Harika seemed to be daydreaming with the massage equipment in her hands.

"Could it be the effect of the medicine, what kind of pain does Felix have?" Harika's mind was confused. Since it's been almost three months now. They haven't been able to find any other clues.


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