
The Ritual Of The Night Of Mourning

It had been three weeks since Queen Revania's death, and King Louis had ordered a month of national mourning.

It was all done so that the citizens of Aarez could remember all the kindness of Queen Revania.

Not only that, even King Louis ordered all of the palace members except the guards. They all have to wear white clothes, as their tribute to Queen Revania for one month.

At noon that day, after lunch.

In a royal palace garden, Helena was fast asleep by leaning her face, using her hands as a cushion.

Helena had just rested, and she had finished her lunch, then fell asleep for a while to relieve fatigue from her study hours.

Her blonde hair, which she wore in a low ponytail, hung slightly past her shoulders. It felt very good for Helena at that time, because she could feel a nap even if only briefly.

Because lately since the death of Queen Revania, Helena is too active to study with Harika who always accompanies her.

Rima the butler, wearing a white uniform. Same thing with the clothes used by Harika. And what distinguishes them from their clothes lies in the colored belts, indicating the different ranks of the Palace's servants.

Rima wears a gold belt, while Harika wears a blue belt.

"The Empress is asleep, forgive me for letting her. Because... all-day Empress Helena has been too busy to study." It was clear Harika looked down, actually, she was quite afraid of Rima's sudden presence.

"Make sure that after the break is over, the empress is awake," Rima ordered firmly.

"Fine, I Will ensure," Harika answered obediently, and nodded quickly.

"And one more thing, help her prepare for tonight. It's already the third week since Queen Revania died, remind her to get ready for a night of mourning with King Louis." Rima said explaining again and glanced at Harika who showed a worried face.

"What is wrong?"

"I'm sorry, but... Empress Helena is still new. And... isn't it too hasty if the empress and the king have to..." Harika was too long in explaining, making Rima who heard it snort in annoyance.

"What are you really worried about, Harika? Even Empress Dilara and Empress Emira did it a few weeks ago." Rima straightened her face, a dangerous glare she gave Harika.

"You must have heard a lot of rumors... about what happened to the two empresses, I hope the same thing doesn't happen to Empress Helena. She is your responsibility, Harika. Don't disappoint Queen Revania and me." Rima continued, and she didn't have to wait for Harika's answer.

Immediately Rima turned around and left the palace garden.

Just as Rima left, Helena woke up from her sleep. She stretched her arms over her body, taking a deep breath.

"Harika? What are you doing there?" Asked Helena who was confused, because Harika was standing too far from her.

"Ah... what are we studying now?" Helena asked in a lazy tone and had already reopened her notebook.

She also stood idly by and looked dispassionately at the very thick history textbook of the Aarez Country.

"Hoaahhmmm...." Helena yawned big.

Harika approached quickly, and immediately closed Helena's notebook and history book again.

"Empress Helena, tonight is your turn to do a night of mourning," Harika said with a worried face, while Helena didn't understand and only wrinkled her forehead.

"What? night of mourning?"


In Helena's room.

Harika did not stop giving explanations to Helena to make sure the empress understands all the explanations. Harika is arranging Helena's blonde hair, which she styled nicely and combing it slowly.

"Harika? Do I have to do this?" Helena asked, who also became panicked.

"Empress Helena, look at my eye? You are a clever person. Surely you understand all my explanations. Now, can you repeat, please? give explain to me, one more time." Harika turned and looked at Helena's face with a serious look.

"The night of mourning is the night where the King left by the Queen. He will be accompanied by another empress. For several nights the King and Empress will stay in one room. They will pray for the safety of the country and also the departure of the Queen." Obviously, Helena was fast.

"Well done, Empress Helena." Praise Harika.

"Isn't this supposed to be a night to serve King Louis' lust?" Said Helena was annoyed and frowned wryly.

"Hah! Shhh..." Harika put her index finger on Helena's lips.

"Watch your words! If anyone hears and reports this to King Louis. Even gods and goddesses can't save your life, empress!" Harika emphasized his face, slightly irritated by Helena's talkative attitude.

"But what if he wants to hosted by me? What should I do?" Helena asked innocently because right now, she was more frustrated than happy.

"Empress Helena, you are one of the wives of King Louis. Of course, you have to serve your husband well, especially since your husband is a King Aarez."

"Don't you know how many beautiful women out there wish to be in your position?" Harika turned his back. She knows that Helena is still a teenager and still young at heart. So it's a bit hard to explain how the husband and wife relationship should be.

"Just so you know, Harika. Even the first night I spent, King Louis looked very disgusted at me. As if he wanted to kill me, and now I have to spend a week there?" Helena groaned sadly, imagining what horrible things would happen to her.

"Empress Helena, the time given is only one week. But if King Louis asked you to come home before the time, then you can come back. And don't worry, every day I will always come to see you." Harika said while pinning a gold flower clip in Helena's hair.

"But... I'm still nervous and scared." Helena still showed her sad face.

"Empress Helena, there's a rumor I heard," Harika said with a small smile.

"Rumors? What, about what?" Helena asked excitedly.

"I heard... that the Empress Dilara and Emira didn't even last more than one night. King Louis has asked them to go home. Does it seem King Louis doesn't really care about this ritual either? So, you take it easy." Obviously, Harika was grinning, and again she looked satisfied at the makeup she had done on Helena.

"You look beautiful," Harika said and took a round mirror, which she put in front of Helena's face.

"Mmm... I hope King Louis isn't comfortable with me either. I want this to pass quickly and get back to studying with you." Helena said honestly.

"Relax, Empress Helena. Everything will be fine." Harika gave a big smile. Although, in her thought, she was worried. She wishes King Louis isn't too harsh with Helena.

A palace guard entered the room, well-built with his eyes lowered. "I will escort Empress Helena to meet King Louis." He said explaining.

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