
Chapter 78 Renewed Faith

Illtris Yuikra walked alone down the marble pathway. That leads from her dorm to the academy's main building. It had been days since she had arrived at the Academy of Alistri to study abroad. Being of a powerful clan, most people admired her from a distance and spoke to her from time to time. Friends, she had none but not because she did not wish to have any but because of her exceedingly high standing. Being the case, she would walk to and from the academy alone every day. The only bright star there had been was Melryn Frenost who had been her tournament partner until recently.

The Six Great Academy's Tournament had remained postponed for a few days, now cancelled till next year. After this blow, Melryn was just the other day expelled from the Frenost clan. Making him a liability is what everyone around her in the academy had said. To her yesterday when the news came to light. But in her head, she could not see someone so strong suddenly becoming useless overnight.

While among many, these thoughts put her in the minority, she would choose her path. Arriving at the main building, Illtris could see to her left students arriving by the long-distance portals. To her surprise, from one such portal arrived Melryn, followed by the rest that usually came with him.

"Hello, Melryn. I did not expect to see you." [Illtris]

"By portal, let's just say that my star has not fully set just yet. Or you could say that my brother being exceedingly wealthy allows me to sustain my present condition." [Melryn]

Behind him came Aldain looking ragged as if he had not slept all night. Syrelia, with a youthful smile after her, was Leinea who looked like she had not seen her pillow in days.

"You all look terrible, except Syrelia." [Illtris]

"Thank you." [Syrelia]

Said Syrelia as she left the rest of the group with an adorable smile. All Melryn could do was watch as she hummed a tune towards the main building.

"She received an early birthday present today. Turns twelve in three months, but our brother thought she deserved something." [Melryn]

Melryn spoke with an exasperated breath while pointing to the jewelled armband on his upper arm.

"You never told me what that armband signifies, and you're always wearing it." [Illtris]

She had tried many times to get him to explain the significance of the armband. At no time before had he ever said anything at the moment. All he had was a smile and a shrug. Sighing was all she could muster as more students began to file toward the academy.

"Well, I hope we may see each other sometime today. Good day everyone." [Illtris]

The mood at that moment was strange half the students bowed to Illtris as she left the growing group in a stately manner. The rest looked at Melryn as if he was some unclean beggar. That said, he left the scene behind Leinea. There was no doubt that he hadn't lost any of his bearings. Entering the main building, Leinea turned her head slightly, looking at him, who was behind her.

"She likes you, Melryn." [Leinea]

"I know, sister, but things are delicate between us." [Melryn]

The women around him seemed to have grown a propensity for smiling at almost everything. But he could not deny the fact that there was some deep attachment between himself and Illtris. That, however, had not stopped his elder brother from counselling him on being watchful of his emotions. When he was a boy, that was his first teaching.

Leinea was happy that Melryn was attracted to someone of the opposite sex. That was the hope that she would have a baby. So the pressure would be moved away from her at least partially. Well, Lanthim's present condition did not put any expectations at the moment. She knew though once he was healthy, she would not be childless for long.

As the day moved on and everyone moved from one class to the other, lunch came around. As per usual, both brothers had a nap the increased training stopped taking a toll long ago. Now it had just become a habit while Syrelia and Leinea were silently watching on. Before the Frenost clan had cast them out, many different young women would be sitting with them on the grass, trying to get Melryn's attention. Strangely being alone by themselves was not that disagreeable.

Suddenly a presence appeared behind Leinea. She was not shocked this kind of thing happened at home all the time. And a templar was in all respects the same order as herself so she could sense them.

Everyone else on the green, however, was instantly in a panic. People did not just appear out of nowhere.

"What news? I would like to have my afternoon meal in peace if you please." [Leinea]

After some time of dealing with the different students that made up the students under her husband, Leinea had become less unsure of her place in Lanthim's world.

"My lady, everything concerning the formation of the new clan has been completed." [Male Templar]

"What did you just say?" [Melryn-Aldain]

In an instant, both brothers rose from where they were.

"I have here with me the name our master has decided on for the clan." [Male Templar]

The piece of paper that the templar handed to Leinea felt in her hands like the whole world was in her hand. A gulp from Aldain brought her around from her confused state. Opening the piece of paper there was only one word upon it.


"What does it mean?" [Melryn-Aldain]

Both brothers again asked at the same time.

"Well, it is draconic, at least in part. I am not good at anything older than the late Liteamis period." [Leinea]

Looking at the word, Leinea struggled. Through the four breakings and the passage of time, the kind of draconic spoken shifted wildly over time.

"It should translate to House of Our Family. Unless it is high draconic, in which case no one can know what it means."[Leinea]

Looking amazed at each other, all four family members wondered how it was that everything happened so quickly.

"Wait, so is everything finished?" [Leinea]

She nearly spun herself around twice, turning to the templar a young man.

"Yes, my lady, the first of the wealth tribute has been sent to the Helgothma clan." [Male Templar]

A feeling of sudden panic overwhelmed Leinea at that moment. While the world was big, the fish that swam in it was terrifying. Now she had not gone against Lanthim's plans to form a new clan. But to pay the wealth tribute to one of the twelve clans. That ruled over the entire world shocked her to the core.

Seeing the dread on his sister-in-law's face, Aldain moved closer.

"You will not have it, easy sister. You are now the matriarch of a continental ranked clan." [Aldain]

Leinea could not be moved upon to speak the reality stung too much. As a young girl, she studied the ranking system. It was elaborate and convoluted, starting from the lowest you had a village or town-ranked clans. These were the most numerous but held the least prestige and authority. Next would be city rank, still small, but there was an increase in influence. Moving from there are national land-holding ranked clans.

In a single country, this rank has the most power. Going up to the next level is the continental rank clans. Depending on the size of the continent, the number of clans of this rank can vary. Depending on one's will to take a piece of the pie. A continental-ranked clan could have control over multiple continents and still only be in this rank. The last rank was global rank clans that have divided the world between themselves.

It was to one such clan the Helgothma Lanthim had sent his wealth tribute. An ancient dragon clan, that had held its prominent position for over three thousand years. In comparison, Leinea's family in the dragon lands was only national in rank. The thought of being lifted to such a high rank was frightening.

"Then that means that the Frenost clan will have to pay its wealth tribute to us now." [Aldain]

Melryn and Syrelia snapped their attention back from watching Leinea in the process of panicking.

"You are right. As far as I know, there has not been a continental rank clan over our nation for over two hundred years. So grandmother would always pay the clan's wealth tribute directly to the Helgothma." [Syrelia]

"To think we. Wait a minute." [Melryn]

In an instant, a thought came to Melryn.

'Could this information be already given to the academy?' {Melryn}

Kicking himself off the grass, the others, including Leinea, watched as he took off running.

"What is wrong, Melryn?" [Leinea]

Having returned from her panicked state after realizing one of her family had bolted.

"I will be back in a moment need to run and check that our clan situation has not reached the academy yet." [Melryn]

In Melryn's mind, the shock not only for himself but for everyone in the academy when this news came to light would be potentially destructive. He had been popular when he was part of the Frenost clan. When he lost everything becoming, part of a clan of greater rank could lead to hostility. Arising due to jealousy, selfishness and dislike towards himself.

He ran as hard as he could to the academy's staff room to find his Professor. Not being stupid enough to get caught for anything, he never had to report to this room ever. But right now, he was in a hurry. His Professor Alrien Crimstal's desk was on the second floor facing the east wall three places from the stairs. Climbing the stairs, he could hear exasperated voices in the direction he was moving.

"No, it seems I have been too late." [Melryn]

As he came to the top of the stairs, he saw a student of his brother's wearing the same uniform that all of them seemed to dress in. Cresting the stairs, every pair of eyes that could look in his direction burrowed into him.

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