
Chapter 57 New Experience

Morning came swiftly with the sun breaking through the drapes of Leinea room. Laying together Lanthim and Leinea were fast asleep. Naked under the covers after their first night together. Both just slept after a long night.

With the sound of hurried footsteps approaching the room Lanthim awoke first. Looking around the room he still felt fatigued from the previous night's action.

'Need to time things better next time. Waking in the morning further exhausted then when I fell asleep is not kosher.'

Getting out of bed quietly so not to awaken Leinea. Lathim took one of the robes that had been prepared the night before. Sensing a presence on the other side. Of the door, Lanthim moved to see who it was. Opening the door as silently as he could. A maid looking concerned looked as if she was just about to knock before he opened the door.

"Oh, Master you are awake quickly you must change into your academy uniform. Everything is prepared for you in the next room."

"Wait! What time is it?" [Lanthim]

Feeling that he had forgotten something important Lanthim moved quickly to the door the lead to the adjacent room.

"If you do not hurry you will be late for your first day at the academy. Please change quickly I will see to my mistress."

Moving with quickened step Lanthim through off his robe and began to dress. It was only after he had got his pants on that he realized that Leinea had finally awoken. Her scream filled his ears like a deafening roar.

"Why did you not wake me sooner Balime?" [Leinea]

"I tried several times but neither of you would answer my lady." [Balime]

Listening on the other side of the door, Lanthim who was dressing as fast as he could. Could hear as Leinea attempted to dress as quickly as she could with the help of her maid.

'Seems to me Leinea does not do well with waking up in the morning.'

Smiling as he finished tucking his shirt. All he had left was his tie and the overcoat.

'At least, we get a different uniform during the summer. Or else we would all die.'

Finished with dressing Lanthim looked at himself in a mirror that was in the room.

'Seems this uniform is meant to restrict movement. Not good clothing for combat.'

Lifting his arms while moving to his left slightly the movements he could perform were incredibly limited. Continuing to test the uniforms capacities, the door to the room he was in slammed open.

"You! it is because you that I did not wake up on time." [Leinea]

'Ah the blame game begins' [Lanthim]

"Why blame me I have just finished dressing as well. Are we not both to blame." [Lanthim]

Leinea's hair was a mess and most of her uniform were still on the bed.

"In all the years I have attended the academy I have never been late. You had better hope my attendance does not suffer because of this Lanthim." [Lanthim]

Marching back into her room in order to finish dressing. Leinea bore a serious expression that impressed Lanthim.

'So there are things she will fight for. Good having a completely submissive wife would be no fun.'

It would be another ten minutes before Leinea was ready. Lanthim who was now outside the apartments waiting for her. Could hear her frantically trying to get out the door. When she finally came out grabbing Lanthim's arm bolted up the long corridors that ran up the mountain.

Dismayed but the entire action Lanthim simply went along for the ride. Wondering how Leinea was able to move so swiftly in her restrictive uniform looking down at her legs he saw the reason.

"Will wearing a shorter shirt not attract unwanted attention?" [Lanthim]

Not like he cared, though, having seen Leinea leave every morning with the usual long skirt. Left much to be desired, but he could deal with this change of fashion.

"Not like I had a choice! We need to get to the academy quickly." [Leinea]

Reaching the desired location where the transportation gate. Was located a portal had already been made for them. Stepping through quickly the portal closed behind them.

"Let's see, five minutes till classes start. That should be enough time for you to get the faculty room and get introduced to your instructor for this term." [Leinea]

Moving away from Lanthim While handing him a map of campus. Leinea simply left him to his own devices.

'Wonderful so I am to be abandoned then." [Lanthim]

While be left to fend for himself was not that great a problem. The fact that Leinea would just drop him. In order to keep her, perfect attendance was a little annoying.

Following the map that had been given to him, Lanthim made his way to the administrative building. Moving as quickly as he could not wanting to be late. Finding the location of the administrative building was not that difficult. Stepping into the faculty room that was located on the second floor of the building. Several heads turned to see who had just entered.

"Ah, Lanthim Frenost correct? This way please."

A teachers aid directed him to a desk at the back of the room. Sitting by himself he wondered why he was brought to this place.

"Your instructor will meet you here. Please wait until she arrives."

"Thank you." [Lanthim]

'Well, I never thought I would see so many women in one place.'

Looking around from where he sat. Lanthim saw no man anywhere, just endless numbers of women.

"This was an all girls school not that long ago."

Snapping his attention to his front. A young woman no more than twenty looked down at him with a severe glance.

"You may stand we are leaving now."

Rising again to his feet Lanthim followed this woman as she ordered. Entering the actual campus itself Lanthim began to see an increase in male numbers.

"You will be in class 2-C. Your young wife Leinea is in 2-A so you will not be in the same class."

"Is that so? Should not cause too much disruption between us." [Lanthim]

Moving through the corridors towards the classroom. That he would attend for the rest of the semester. Reaching the door to class 2-C the woman stopped with her hand on the door.

"From this point on you will call me Miss Falindra and that is all." [Miss Falindra]

'So I get the last name and a lot of scorn. As I thought a person like me is not going to have an easy time in this place.'

Walking into the classroom Lanthim was faced with the turning heads of twenty-six young women. All of which seemed excited to see him. Rounding out the rest of the class was three young men. Who looked refreshed with a new guy entering the class.

Standing next to Miss Falindra's desk he waited to be introduced to the class.

"Everyone this is Lanthim Frenost he will be part of our class from now on." [Miss Falindra]

The entire class began talking amongst themselves. The Frenost surname name would usually be replaced. With the main branch family's surname of Strentolos. Whenever so individual of that clan gave their full name in a public place.

" We will be late if we do not start. Lanthim take the seat provided beside Miss Natrie." [Miss Falindra]

Being shoved into the class without any care Lanthim took his seat without question. Luckily he was seated next to the a window. From here he could see out into the three courtyards. That made up the outer campus.

"I hope you can forgive instructor Falindra. She has a harsh outlook on male students." [Miss Natrie]

"I have no ill will towards the instructor in any way. I will just have to grow accustomed to the increasing scorn that comes with being able to manipulate mana." [Lanthim]

With these words, all the girls in the class moved as one crowding closer to him.

'Wow! Okay, that's a thing.'

The excitement on their faces was not something that Lanthim expected when he spoke.

"We all saw what you did during the examination. Could you do some magic right now." [Miss Natrie]

In the back of his mind, Lanthim could feel Leinea's agitation as he was trapped.

{Lanthim you seem to be enjoying yourself.} [Leinea]

Having already made the telepathic connection between himself and his wife. He now could not escape her ever prying presence.

{If you want to be in my position I will gladly let you.} [Lanthim]

{No thank you, we can talk about this face to face at lunch. Prepare yourself Lanthim.} [Leinea]

Unable to escape from his wife or these twenty-six young women Lanthim simply capitulated to their demand.

"If it pleases the instructor? I could do something small for a demonstration." [Lanthim]

Looking to the front of the class. Instructor Falindra had already begun to take roll when everything escalated.

"Fine but make it quick." [Instructor Falindra]

Nodding slightly Lanthim held out is hand.

'Should I use an incantation to avoid other questions later.'

Closing his eyes he seriously pondered this question.

'Nah lets just go for effect'

Opening his hand out of nothing or what seemed to the students eyes. As nothing, a sphere of dense flame appeared in Lanthim's hand. Flickering occasionally with a large burst of flame emanating from the orb. As soon as it appeared it was gone.

Looking to his new classmate who by now were awed by what they had just seen. Lanthim could feel no fear in any of them. If anything admiration was what he felt from all of them.

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