
Chapter 51 New Journey

Frenost Estate Boucorym Province

The silence of the estate had over time become the norm. With her youngest daughter living elsewhere. All that remained were Melryn and Aldain. Who seemed to spend more time training than anything else. Standing at one of the many windows that overlook the slopes of the mountain. Litralia could sense the use of magic in the forest that surrounded the mountain from the base to the summit.

'They do not cease for anything. With the tournament season in full swing, Melryn will have his hands full.'

It had been only four days since Lanthim hand removed the seals that prevented them both from manipulating mana. As such the amount of training required to control that power. Was as one would suspect dangerous and exhausting.

To ensure that, neither of his brothers would kill themselves by overusing their mana. Lanthim had sent a master-ranked disciple. So to teach the two young men the proper way of mana manipulation. It was this master who was named Lardym Erilo. Who had the brothers out on the mountain training.

All of that aside, Litralia still felt lonely with a house full of maids who did nothing but work.

"My lady, a letter has arrived from lady Leinea."

One of the newly hired maids that had just come to that estate. Stood some distance from Litralia waiting for permission to approach. The girl had a calm appearance that gave Litralia the impression that this person had done this kind of work before.

"I will take it now." [Litralia]

Holding her hand towards the maid who, advanced quickly placing, the letter into her mistress outstretched hand.

"If there is nothing else, my lady, I shall withdraw."

As the maid turned about, Litralia opened the letter.

Dear Mother

There is a matter that I wish to discuss with you. At the earliest possible convenience concerning Lanthim. I believe you are the only person that can achieve the goal I aspire to.

Your loving daughter.


A note more than a letter, but Litralia did not really mind. Over the years, Mynrea had sent many a sermon, with each letter being almost twelve pages long.

'Something only I can achieve she says. Well, we will just have to see.'

Leaving the window and the beautiful vista that is presented. Litralia made her way down to the portal room so to travel to Lanthim's residence. Herself being unable to use the same transportation magic as Lanthim could. The portal gates were the only way to travel long distances quickly.

Leinea's Apartments

If one looked out from the balcony of these apartments. All that one person would see was the endless forest as far as the eye could see. With powerful trees. That stood so high that even from the lower tiers of the residence they were impossible to see over.

It was from this balcony that Leinea sat watching the birds fly from place to place. Having settled in her own territory which was no more than a few hundred yards in circumference. Leinea began to feel a little more comfortable than when she first arrived.

'Grandmother claimed a whole tier for herself. I wonder if I should do the same at some point?'

While she was content with what she had now. Eventually, Mynrea would stop being patient. Because of the larger territory, mynrea could effectively put herself over Leinea as a superior mate. With her much larger territory, Mynrea was pretty much saying to Lanthim that she had the space to raise many children.

While Leinea did not think that Lanthim had any interest at the present time to step over herself. It was painfully obvious that she was lacking in ways that Mynrea was not.

"Lanthim is like a dragon once he forms an interest in something. I only hope he can keep his interest away from his grandmother or his magic. Until I can grow more accustomed to living here." [Leinea]

"Indeed, that is something to hope for. But you must be careful his love of magic is something frightening." [Litralia]

Half-startled by the sudden voice that appeared almost out of nowhere. Leinea turned to see her mother-in-law coming out of a portal.

"You must forgive me, mother I thought it would take more time for you to arrive." [Leinea]

"Your husband has talented disciples that can do great things, Leinea." [Litralia]

Nodding to this observation, Leinea beckoned to one of the open seats that were situated, around the table where she sat. Litralia did not hesitate to smile as she gladly took the seat.

"Well, I have come as you asked. May I ask what you desire of me?" [Litralia]

Coming straight to the point the, older woman did not seem too interested in the tea she was being presented by one of Leinea's maids.

"Yes, well in truth I have found Lanthim's lack of worldly common sense troubling. I know that he has values he lives by and that they do seem vastly superior to the rest of the world." [Leinea]

"However, as things are he will likely do something terrible. Simply because he does not understand the reasons others do the things they do." [Leinea]

What Leinea was saying was true for the most part. Lanthim did march to the beat of his own drum. However, he did not do so without considering what consequence would follow.

"Dear daughter, you try to be helpful, but in the end, you are a dragon. That being the case, you feel you must protect him from himself. Or in the present situation, protect everyone else from him." [Litralia]

Surprised by what Litralia had, said Leinea stood quickly.

"I do not see what my being a dragon has to do with this he is on a whole other plain than I." [Leinea]

"Yet you try to impose yourself on him. You desire he see the world as you see it." [Litralia]

Feeling cornered, Leinea moved slowly away from the table, seeming anxious. Watching this Litralia, could not help feel slightly empowered. Never in all, her dealings with Mynrea was she able to fluster that old dragonness.

At the same time, Litralia could see that her daughter-in-law was deeply troubled by some other thing. Just in the short time of sitting and talking with Leinea. She could tell that whenever she mentioned Lanthim. That the young dragonness would become slightly more agitated.

"Has he done something to displease you, Leinea? I can see you're not happy with something. I don't think it is only because of a lack of common sense." [Litralia]

Standing herself, Litralia walked over to where Leinea had stopped.

"He comes to see me every morning. We have our morning meal, talk then he leaves for training. Afterwards, he is with his grandmother for the rest of the day. I wonder if I am a nuisance to them?" [Leinea]

The truth, as it were, always has its own tone. Whether that tone is happy or sad, it does not matter. All that is important is responding correctly.

Be that as it may, Leinea feeling almost abandoned by Lanthim. Was not something that Litralia ever thought could happen. Yes, he had at a young age been interested in Mynrea, but it never seemed that serious on his part.

On the other hand, Mynrea had every intention of acquiring Lanthim for herself. Ever since he was a young boy. So it was not out of the realm of possibility. That she would try to get in bed with him when the timing was convenient.

That being the case, what could Leinea do to have more time with Lanthim to herself?

"I have been thinking this over for some time. I think if Lanthim can enter the academy. He will be able to enter the tournament with me. As my partner then, I could be with him every day." [Leinea]

"I see, so you want a letter of recommendation from me, a former teacher at the academy. So he could enter the academy. Well, either you are extremely desperate for his attention. Or you think this will benefit him in some way. I hope for your sake this is beneficial. Because if not, you know what he is like when he is displeased." [Litralia]

An expression of dread filled Leinea's face. If anyone knew how bad things could get for someone that angered Lanthim she did. He had already killed people for moving against himself and his family.

"I think it would be a fabulous idea to enter the academy." [Lanthim]

The sudden appearance of the master of the residence was enough to make both women turn suddenly towards him.

'That will never get old.' {Lanthim}

Both women looked flustered by Lanthim's prank. He was able to teleport himself anywhere he wanted in the residence. Enjoyed sneaking up on people and giving them a good scare.

Regaining her composer, Leinea walked towards him with a serious look on her face.

"You will be my partner in the tournament this year, will you not?" [Leinea]

The question did not phase the amused look on Lanthim's face.

"Of course, without fail, I will be your partner." [Lanthim]

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