
Cosmological Object Sequence [Monthly Bonus 1]

"I'm the Child of Space. In space, I'm more at home than a fish in water."

Jamie just replied with a shrug and hearing it, Evan narrowed his eyes.

"So, you're saying the 'Child of Space' skill is that broken?"

"To an extent. You need to be a Deity to use its full power. Don't also forget that 'Space' is my main attribute, so it naturally shows even more power in my hands."

The man explained this to Evan and the boy went silent for a moment, countless thoughts swirling through his mind.

On a side note, there was one thing that Evan, Arthur and Jamie had not noticed. This was supposed to be Evan's first time outside his galaxy, but for a first-timer who'd never seen the sea of galaxies inside the Universe with his naked eyes before, he was rather…calm.

Sure, he was overwhelmed by the enormity of what he was seeing, but that was it. He just displayed the awe one would at something ridiculously big.

"Hey, Jamie.

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