
Chapter 9

Ruruko had confirmed this having spoken to the Church trio, it must be said that when they heard the treatment of their classmate they were quite upset.

So Sona asked them to support the boy so that at least his student life could be more bearable, although seeing him in a better mood and with a somewhat carefree attitude as he used to be sometimes, took a great weight off her shoulders.

- Better than ever... by the way, I need your help - He replied with a slight smile, before draping his arm over saji's shoulder.

Saji blinked in confusion, before smiling as he noticed that the brown-haired boy had returned to normal.

- Count me in, but if it's something kinky... - He threatened after confirming his help.

- Huh? It's not that, it's something else - He blinked in confusion before waving his hand in a somewhat disinterested denial.

That intrigued saji even more.

- I want to form a band and I need to know who can play musical instruments at a decent level - He explained briefly.

The blond looked at him with confusion, only to notice the case on the boy's back.

- Are you serious?! Wow... I really didn't expect this - He articulated not knowing what else to say.

- So will you help me yes or no? - he asked with a serious look.

- Sure, I know a couple of people who could help you, including me - He answered pointing to the case on issei's back.

Issei could only smile broadly at the boy's answer.

- Great! I'll be at the Music Club - He said enthusiastically, giving him a friendly pat on the back before continuing on his way to the cafeteria.

The blond watched him leave, before smiling slightly, and heading to the Student Council room to move some schedules around.

Old Music Club Lounge - After recess.

The brown-haired boy watched the people in the room, a little surprised at who the characters were.

- Ok, I wasn't expecting this - the boy whispered a little uncomfortably.

- Actually I'm the most surprised Hyodo - Said a girl.

- Ok, this is a bit awkward - muttered another girl.

- Who saw you Hyodo, look at you wanting to form a band - Another female voice.

- Don't worry, I've heard them and I know they are good - A male voice tried to reassure him.

The boy massaged the bridge of his nose, he really didn't expect everyone involved to be part of the supernatural in one way or another.

- Well, I think we should introduce ourselves first... Hyodo Issei, Electric Guitar - The brown guy started.

- Mmmm... Kiryu Aika, Piano and Keyboard - The girl with glasses introduced herself.

- Tomoe Meguri, Bass - It was the turn of the reddish-brown girl with pigtails.

- Tsubasa Yura, Drums - [Tower] Sitri spoke.

- Saji Genshiro, Electric Guitar - [Pawn] Sitri said.

Once the presentation was over, the brown-haired boy indicated their positions, finding the instruments already connected and functional.

The five took a look at each other and already knowing which song to play to start familiarizing themselves, they began the performance.

Time for departure

The quintet walked through the entrance to the outside.

- Whew, we really sucked - Tomoe complained.

- It's the first day, I'm sure we'll improve tomorrow - encouraged the brown-haired boy.

- Although I didn't really imagine that you played an instrument, but I must say that you play it regularly - Kiryu commented, adjusting his glasses.

- Well, I hadn't played a guitar for more than five years, so I'm not at the level of that time - He answered embarrassed and with a hand on the back of his head.

The others were surprised at that fact, but more so when they had lived with the boy and noticed that something in him had changed.

Somehow this made them feel more comfortable.

- Then we'll see each other tomorrow, try to get a singer - Suggested Tomoe saying goodbye with a smile.

- See you tomorrow - Yura said goodbye with a slight smile, she was of few words.

- See you Hyodo - Saji said goodbye raising his hand.

- Not to boost your ego, but this side of you makes you more attractive - Was the comment of the chestnut girl who walked away from the boy, who blushed and began to walk aimlessly.


Issei was walking through the center of the city, as something was telling him to go there.

Then he collided with a person being both sent to the ground.

- Kya! - It was a female scream that alerted Issei.

He quickly got up to help the other person and was stunned to see who it was.

She was wearing a white strapless dress, a matching hat and sandals as well as a small bag, but what caught his attention the most was that blonde hair and green eyes.

- Gabriel-san! - He exclaimed extending his hand towards the Seraphim.

The latter looked up with confusion, since there were few who could recognize her, to find herself face to face with the [Sekiryuutei] extending her hand to him.

Accepting the help, she stood up again and then shook out her clothes.

- Sorry, I was distracted - She apologized with a nervous expression.

- I was distracted too, it's not your fault - The brown boy played down the importance.

Then a question came to his mind.

- By the way, what are you doing here? - he asked rather curiously.

The Seraph sighed with some annoyance, even pouting, and then pulled the boy by the hand.

- I'll tell you on the way - Was her answer.

The brown only let himself be dragged along, something told him that he should accompany the most beautiful woman in heaven.

Minutes later

The blonde had told him how things were in heaven at the moment.

- I see, her brothers leave her aside and only assign her the paperwork - She murmured with her arms crossed without stopping walking.

- Not only that, they don't allow me to participate in the important meetings, they say my opinions have no weight when it comes to debating what is best for the Treaty - she complained pouting.

The boy put a hand on her shoulder.

- I know how you feel, but I don't think they do it with bad intentions - the boy tried to console.

- I know, that's why I can't get mad at them, but it's frustrating - she said pouting.

The boy felt a little uncomfortable.

They passed in front of a coffee shop, where a figure stared at them in slight disbelief.

- That's them - he whispered before getting up from his table.

The brown-haired man and the blonde were talking about trivial matters, when a shout caught their attention.

- Oe! Gabriel! Ddraig! - exclaimed a person from a table in an establishment.

The aforementioned turned their gaze to the caller.

She was wearing a black executive suit, dark glasses and her purple hair was in a low ponytail.

Both opened their eyes as they recognized the figure.

- Penemue! - Gabriel exclaimed.

- Penemue-san! - Issei exclaimed.


The three of them were sitting enjoying a cup of coffee, while issei did not give credit to the people he met thanks to his instincts.

Gabriel, one of the Seraphim of Heaven, at the same time one of the Four Great Seraphim.

Penemue, one of the Leaders of Grigory, who held the rank of Cadre.

- What are you doing here? You don't get out much," Gabriel asked hesitantly.

- I got tired of being Grigory's Chief Secretary - Was her simple answer.

The others had a drop on the back of their necks.

- I was Azazel's personal secretary for a while, so I had to do all the paperwork instead of that sloth - She complained taking a sip of her drink.

- I see, I'm here for the same thing - Said a discouraged Gabriel.

- By the way boy, I don't sense Demonic power in you - Suddenly the Fallen One pointed out.

- That's right, I hadn't noticed - said Gabriel curiously.

- Well... what happened was... - Unsure of what would come out of this conversation.

Although both gave him a certain confidence, something very strange, so he just followed his instincts.

Next chapter