
Chapter 3

He smiled with a certain bitterness.


He mused in dismay.

- It seems that the fate of the [Sekiryuutei] is always tragic - He spoke to himself, before heading to his living room.

His Partner didn't say anything else, if this kept up it could be dangerous for the boy.

After school

The day passed slowly, as the brown-haired boy tried to put the events he witnessed that morning out of his mind, to no avail.

It didn't help matters that the girls were commenting on the handsome boyfriend of the [Twilight Healing] bearer.

Slowly, he made her way to the exit, meeting Ravel who didn't even notice his presence even as he walked past him.

With a bitter feeling he decided to return home and see if the project was finished.

Hyodo Residence

he put a hand to her face, before sighing and walking towards the elevator.


His phone beeped indicating that he had received a message, so extracting the device from his pocket, he proceeded to open it.

ʺThe job is done, to go down you must press the six buttons on the upper floors of the elevator together, before pressing the other three on the lower floorsʺ.


ʺOne more thing, Lucifer-sama will visit you tomorrow as he has an announcement to give youʺ.

Was what he read, before returning it to his pocket.

Once he had entered the elevator, he proceeded to carry out what the message said, noticing how on the small panel the number 10 was drawn, indicating a new floor in the building.

Underground Floor Number 4

The doors opened, revealing a small hallway to a door.

Without hesitation he headed for said door before turning the knob, entering the place.

A slight smile came across his face as he saw the small room with the necessary amenities to be inhabited.

A bed, a desk with a computer, a couple of sofas, a TV of over thirty inches next to a console with several games and a closet.

A small bar with a refrigerator, also several shelves with various books.

A simple and comfortable place that reminded him of his old room.

Approaching the bed, he dropped his backpack on it before summoning a magic circle, out of which came his most recent acquisition, this being an electric guitar along with an amplifier.

These were different from the bargain, as with the income he had he had no qualms about buying the best instruments in the store.

He changed into some more ʺhomelyʺ clothes before plopping down on the bed, devoting himself to staring at the white ceiling of the place.

Next to his bed was a small piece of furniture, where he could see a piece of paper that appeared to be a note, so picking it up he read it with considerable intrigue.

ʺIssei-san, the place has everything you asked for, it also contains soundproof seals that prevent the sound inside from going out but the outside from coming in, so you can make as much noise as you wantʺ.

ʺThe two doors lead to a thermal bath and a customized boot camp with the things you ordered and little elseʺ.

ʺYou also got new clothes and I took the trouble to stock the fridge with healthy foodʺ.


The boy couldn't help but smile, without further ado he headed for the doors, opening the first one.

This one showed a regular-sized bathroom with a small hot spring and showers.

He opened the next one to be satisfied to see the training field.

It was divided into an open field, where he could practice his attacks, as well as his sword moves with [Ascalon].

A series of obstacles to practice Parkour, since that activity had long attracted him, but laziness prevented him from doing anything about it.

Returning to his room, he made his way to his bed where he plopped down, while using his arms as a pillow.

[You look happy partner.]

He heard suddenly.

- What can I say, this place is like a little paradise where I can put aside my worries - He answered with his eyes closed.

[Sooner or later you will have to face the Gremory girl.]

- I know, but first I must get that feeling out of my chest or else I won't be able to go on - He answered again.

[Unfortunately it won't be so easy, now that you're a full Dragon.]

Issei opened his eyes at the Celestial Dragon's words, but before he could ask what he was referring to, a hologram appeared on the furniture next to his bed.

- Issei, long time no see - He heard a familiar voice say.

- Rose-chan - He articulated in surprise.

The aforementioned blushed slightly, but leaving that aside she observed her surroundings curiously.

- I just finished my business in Asgard, at the moment I am solving some details before returning home, by the way, where are you? I don't recognize the place - she said when she returned her gaze on him.

The brown-haired man lowered his gaze slightly, before looking at her again.

- I am currently four floors below the house - He answered with a serious tone.

The albino raised an eyebrow at the boy's tone, so she sensed that his mood was due to a certain redhead and company.

- Tell me what happened in my absence - He said in a serious tone.

The boy sighed and began to relate what had happened since the girl had left.

Fifteen minutes later

Issei kept a neutral expression that did not go according to him, he even looked a little somber, something that the girl did not like.

- I understand, I'll be there soon, see you - He said cutting the transmission.

The boy stared at the floor of the room, before his pupils dilated and he held his chest with signs of pain.

- Argh! - He even fell to the floor as he writhed.


And everything went dark.


A certain Valkyrie was on the terrace of her room, looking at the sky of Asgard, thinking about a certain brown hair man.

- Issei - She murmured with a certain sadness.

She had started to develop feelings for the boy some time ago, more specifically since he asked her to pretend to be her boyfriend.

Not that she knew that, mind you.

She had gotten a good impression of the boy, so she decided to treat him more and get to know him better.

Over time she began to see him in a new light.

She was able to get to know his various facets, the perverted one being the one he used to adopt most often, to the one he showed when he fought to protect others.

He had returned from the dead thanks to the Two Dragon Gods as Great Red and Ophis Ouroboros.

When she noticed how he was being cast aside by the girls, she did not want to leave him alone.

To her, that action on the part of Rias, Akeno, Asia, Xenovia, Irina, Koneko and Ravel was selfish and childish.

That man had given him for them, and this was how they had repaid him? By throwing him away when they no longer needed him?

she frowned.

This trip had opened her eyes, as spending most of the time alone, or at least when Ophis wasn't around, she began to have feelings she had never experienced before.

Feeling nervous when he would look at her in that gentle way, the compliments he would say to her and the gentlemanly way he behaved towards her, made her heart race.

Yes, since she started spending time with him, the chestnut had not behaved in a perverted way, something that somehow pleased her.

With this trip she was able to realize the feeling that had surfaced in her heart.


After what she told him she decided to tell him how she felt about him.

A huge blush came over her face just thinking about it, but something told her that if she didn't do it now she would regret it.

With that in mind she went inside her room to prepare her things to go back.

Next chapter