
Relaxing times[3]

"How much do you want to change?" 

"Let's go with 5,000 U first"

With a bright smile, the cashier of the arcade greeted me. Handing my card to the cashier, the cashier quickly scanned the card and handed me a black card along with my bank card. 

"Thank you for your patronage" 



I took the card and turned around.

To be honest, I was just as excited as Emma was. I loved arcades. Glancing behind me, I looked at Kevin who was patiently waiting in line and shouted.

"I'm gonna go play some games, meet me once you're done"

Turning his head, Kevin nodded his head. 




Roaming the arcade, I couldn't decide on which game to play first. 

'Which game should I play first? Hmm, should I try the classics or the new ones? Oh, that one over there looks nice' 

There were just so many games that I wanted to play. 

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