

Noir drove off, enjoying the feel of the car moving – he loved vehicles, he had realised this by now. Cars, airplanes, two wheelers – these three categories he had handled so far, and he was looking forward to trying out more.

Solis watched his husband's happy face with a smile. Perhaps he should get Noir a yacht next and see if he liked it as much as he liked vehicles which moved on land and in the air! 

"You really enjoy driving, don't you?" Solis asked after some time, when Noir showed no signs of speaking, but the contented smile on his face gave him away.

"I do," Noir admitted without any hesitation whatsoever.

"Do you want to try steering a boat tomorrow?" Solis asked. "There should be either a yacht or a smaller boat around the island. We could try it out if you want?"

Noir's smile broadened. "Sure!" he said happily. "I'd love that!"

Solis smiled indulgently, perfectly happy at this moment.