

(AN: Sigh...my grammar needs your help)


Don't judge a book by it's cover

That is something that I always said to myself. Years of war have implanted those words deep inside my head so as not to forget all the enemies I encountered.

And I hold those words up till now.

From the very first time I saw him. I wasn't going to let myself being fooled by his small figure. His presence alone made me wonder if he was just a kid or not.

Those years that I spent with him was like reading the book that I didn't judge by it's cover. Every page made me excited and worried at the same time.

I knew he was hiding something…his eyes and true origin.

I never asked him about his secrets because I too had my secrets that I never and will never tell anyone. That is what secrets meant.

I always acted like I'm not suspicious about his powers and secrets. But in reality, I'm starving for them. I tried my best to search about his origin, but I never succeed.


What my years of war has taught me. Is that this word was for big moves.

Big steps that someone wants to achieve no matter what.

"What is your ambition?" I asked in hope of knowing about them.

The boy looked at me right on the face and spoke.

"My ambition is quite simple. All I want is take what is rightfully mine"

His words didn't carry any intent. It was like he was just saying because he wanted to say it.

"Rightfully yours? Does it have to do with your family origin ?" I asked again

"Mm" Nodded the boy as he looked away.

"Well, I hope you achieve your ambition" I said as I show him a smile, but under that smile was my worried face.

His ambition made me feel a little uneasy about it. Ever since we discovered the news about the new continent, I always wondered if Madara was from that new continent.

Even though he told us about his background story and how he was washed up on the shore of our forest. I was still having doubts about this.

What if he was from the new continent and he was somehow washed to our continent? What if he lied to us so that he could live with us?.

Although we managed to find the stone house that he once told us about. But we never found the body of his so call servant that took care of him.

Not to mention his so called Grandfather who was living in Beast Glades.


It practical impossible to live in there. But he and his grandfather lived there for three years?

'It may sound stupid but if you add everything up…it's very suspicious'

I hope Rinia tell me what she saw. And I hope all of this is wrong.





I still remember that day. The day that made me wonder if I'm living in a really world or trapped inside a fake reality.

The images of that boy and the shattered glasses were still clinging to my head.

"That stab felt really. The mana I was using felt really…Yet, all of that disappeared like nothing"

I tried everything I can to find that boy but I never succeed. That was until I decided to look at the academy.

And the moment I reached the school. I felt the presence of something that made me forget about the boy I was looking for.

'Lady Sylvia's presence '

I didn't waste time. I pin point where it was coming and opened the portal.



Walking towards the huge the door with two guards standing beside it. I let out a mental sigh as I looked at the two guards.

"long time no see Windson" Said one of the guards.

"Please just open the door for me I got something important to report"

The two guards seems to understand my situation so they opened the door for me.

My steps echoed inside the hall as I made my way towards the throne.

Looking at Lord Indrath who seem surprised by my appearance.


"My lord"

I bow down and raised my head.

"You didn't report for a whole week. What happened?" Asked Lord Indrath.

"A few things happened and I was occupied by them"

Lord Indrath raised his eyebrows after hearing my words.

"What happened?"

I narrated everything that happened from that day. From the moment I saw that boy to how the world shattered in front of my eyes.

"Are sure he was not a Vritra?"

"I'm not sure but from his appearance he wasn't"

"Interesting" Said Lord Indrath as he touched his chin…" So did you find where he went?"


"But you still remember his face right?"

"Yes my lord. I still remember his face vividly"

"For someone to go equal in fight with an Asura…we need to know if he's an enemy or…no he got to be an enemy"

I didn't know what to say because if that boy was really an energy then why did he left me like that? The way he sounded was like he got the power to finish me anytime he wanted.

Shaking my thoughts away so that I could tell Lord Indrath the most important new.

"I found Lady Sylvia's child My lord"

Lord Indrath's eyes shone with hope the moment I said that. The news made him left the pit of thought he was in.

"Then why did you come alone?"

"Lady Sylvia is dead. But she intrusted her will and her child to a human boy who is already bonded to Lady Sylvia's child"

"Sigh…I had a feeling about that but I never knew it was true. For her to trust a human child with her child and powers must mean that the boy is special"

Lord Indrath slowly stood up from his throne.

"The war is about to start Windson. I already sent Aldir down there to prepare things for the war. What I need from you is to first bring back my Granddaughter and then find the boy who fought you," Said Lord Indrath was appeared behind me.

"What about the boy with Lady Sylvia's child?" I asked him

"Bring him a long. With the power inside of him. He needs to be taught how to use it, to it's full potential…we can't let a human with the power of an Asura inside of him turned into an enemy when he found out about the past"

His last words were a warning for me. He was right. We can't leave the boy, we must make him our ace and put him under us, no. To work for us.


(Somewhere in beast glades)

"This is batshit! How can I, the great, the mighty…and handsome Uto have to go fetch a weakling human. This is a fucked up mission" Said Uto who was sitting on top of a mountain that was a part of the Great Mountains.

He was facing the Sapin Kingdom.

"Fu*k this shit"


(AN: *Insert your fav anime*)

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