
Same old shit

(AN: 2.8k words)

Again!, please point out any grammar error you see


"I'm leaving, you guys know what to do", said Madara while looking at his clone and Kurama.

Taking out the same clothes he wore yesterday night, Madara put on his cloak and use flying Raijin to disappear from the room.

He appeared right on the same building that he appeared yesterday. He looked around to make sure no one saw him.

Seeing the coast was clear, he slowly started walking, his destination was the blacksmith shop. He was going to get his weapon.

Making his way towards the Blacksmith location, Madara was on guard, why?. Because he was sensing someone's gaze.

Someone was spying on him from a far.

'who could it be?', thought Madara while trying to figured out who was trying to spy on him.

The feeling of being watched didn't leave Madara alone until he stepped inside the blacksmith shop.

"Aye lad I'm coming".

"did you finish creating my weapon?", Madara asked the dwarf.

"Aye….just let me get it for you", said the dwarf as he turned away and walked towards a large wooden box and picked something up.

"Here it is, just like you wanted aye".

Madara took the Scythe from the dwarf's hands.

The weapon was lighter and sharp. It was just like what Madara wanted it to be. Holding the Scythe firmed , Madara sent his chakra on to it in order to see if the weapon will be able to handle it.

(AN: The scythe looks like the one used by the original Madara )

Seeing the weapon still in good condition even after using his chakra on it, Madara let out a smirk.

He then looked at the chain that was on the edge of the handle he was holding, he touched the chain and found out that it was also very light.

'I can finally connect my Gunbai with this scythe via this chain '.

"aye, so are you gonna pay me or just looked at the weapon all night long?".

Madara looked at the dwarf then took a small bag of gold coins and throw it on the table.

"Thank you for your service", said Madara as he put his weapon inside the dimension ring and walked out of the shop.

The moment he stepped out of the shop, he sensed the same gaze as before.

Madara stood there for a few seconds, trying to pin point the direction of the gaze that is spying on him.

'so that's where you are '.

Turning to his left, Madara started walking, he walked until he was near a dark alley. And from there he suddenly jumped up and landed on top of rooftop.

"mm, I'm pretty sure I sensed the gaze coming from this building", said Madara while looking around.

The mysterious gaze seem to disappeared but where did it go?.

Madara looked down on the dark alley but saw nothing.

'mhm, let's just return back to the academy '. With that, Madara disappeared from the rooftop.

The same spot that Madara was standing a few seconds ago, a purple portal suddenly opened up, and from the portal came out a black cat.

"He can use teleportation?, but I didn't sense any Aether being used…..this is the second time I saw him but he's already filling me with questions. Who is that person?

"Although I'm very curious about him, But I need to first find Lady Sylvia, last time I sensed her mana signature in this city", said the black cat.


(kingdom of Elonoir)

"I think it's time to continue where I left", said Rinia who was sitting on the circle of runes.

'let's hope no one interrupt me today '.

She took a deep breath and slowly let it, she relaxed her body and opened her eyes.

"show me"

Her shining eyes lit the whole room for a few seconds before the light died down.

Five seconds, that was the time Rinia lasted before being pushed to the walls of her house by an invincible force that came out of her own body.



Using her right hand, she wiped out blood from her mouth and sat down while leaning on the same wall she just hit.

"what did I just put myself into"


(Next morning in Xyrus academy)

(Madara pov)

Walking with Kurama beside me, I looked at the giant doors in front of me, these were the doors that leads to the Library.

Opening the door, we slowly walked towards the direction where the elevator was and stepped inside.

The elevator slowly started moving heading down.

After a few seconds, we arrived to the underground training rooms. Getting off the elevator, me and Kurama made our way towards our training room.

I touched the huge door and it opened by itself allowing me to walked inside.

Inside the training room, I saw Virion and Tess waiting for me, there was no sign of Director Goodsky when I looked around, I slowly walked towards them.

"you're finally here brat", said Virion as he stood up and walked towards me.

I looked at Tess who also stood up, she seem exhausted.

"So how is her Assimilation going", I asked Virion.

"I'm shocked, the beast will seem to accept her all the way in, it doesn't fight back, not even a little. And it seem to give her a full control of mana circulation inside her body and mana core, if this continues it won't be long for her to fully assimilate with the beast will", said Virion.

"I see, so how do you feel Tess",

"I'm more than fine, I can feel my body and mana core growing stronger every time I'm assimilating with the beast will", answered Tess.

"hehehe, well brat, this is goodbye, I'm going back to Elonoir, but first I'll go check on my disciple, also

.. please Continue helping my Granddaughter", said Virion as he left the room leaving me and Tess.

"Sigh…thanks god he left", said Tess as she suddenly jumped on me.

"aren't you getting a little comfortable around me",

"hey!!, I thought you understood me the other day", said Tess who hugging me.

"I'm just kidding",

"good", said Tess as she let go of me.

Seeing that it was only us and we still got a few minutes before other classes begin, I looked at Tess and spoke,

"how about a little training?, to show me how strong you are".

"hehehe, sure but don't be surprised", said Tess with a smile on her face.


I separated myself from her and moved a few meters away.


"yeah", said Tess as he took out her wand.

"I want you to stop me before I reach you, use everything you got and don't hold back", I said to Tess who was ready to stop me. A few vines were already starting to emerged from the ground.

"Here I come".

I vanished due to the incredible speed I just used, Tess cast a spell that shot a lot of vines towards me.

I evaded all of her vines, while continue moving towards her.

"is this the best you can do Tess?".

Hearing what I just said, Tess cast a powerful spell that cause the entire area she was standing to be covered by the huge vines that formed a shield around her while the other vines shot towards me .


Lightning gathered on my hand as I destroyed all the incoming vines with it while I kept moving towards Tess.

Shooting another set of the vines which were moving like tentacles, Tess then slammed her wand to the ground.

A dome of wind blades surrounded her vines shield and it then expanded towards me.

Her attack strategy was perfect, she first sent the vines to attack her enemy, while her enemy is distracted by the vines, she fired her wind blades to finish the job.

[Chidori blade].

Using my chidori blade, I destroyed the incoming vines while I kept my eyes on the incoming wind blades.The moment the wind blades were closer to slash me, I body flicker right in front the shield of vines protecting Tess, With chidori on my right hand I touched the vine shield

[chidori stream].

The whole vine shield was destroyed by the surging black lightning leaving Tess with a shocked expression.

"are you ok?" I asked Tess who was just looking at me .

"you can also use lightning?"

"I can use more than just lightning"

"why are you hiding your powers?, I never saw you use any magic when we were in Elonoir, but ever since you came here, you have be showing some unknown magic and now lightning, why are you hiding your powers from me?".

"I'm not hiding anything, It's just that no one here is worth of me showing all of my powers to".

"are going to show me more of your powers?".

"mm, maybe or maybe not".


"don't worry, you'll get see more…one day"I said as I grabbed her hand and lifted her up.

"listen, your vines might be very useful, but their too weak, you must make them more durable if you want to defeat someone with them. Now…let's do it again".

"I don't think I will be able to stop you, beside it time for other classes, I think we should get out of here", said Tess.

"then we'll continue another day".



Looking at Tess heading to her class, I turned and walked towards the direction of my next class.

My time table today didn't have any combat classes so it was going to be a long boring day.



(Hours later )

'sign..I should have just sent my clones to those boring class', thought Madara who just came out of his last class of the day.

~it might be boring but it was very productive for me, I think it won't be long now, I only need a little push to finally reached my finally form~.

"really?, then that's perfect".

The classes were over for today, so Madara with Kurama on his shoulder was heading to DC meeting room where he must attend since he's also a member of the DC.

While Madara was busy walking, he sensed someone following him so he stopped and wait for the stalker to show his face up.

"I thought I told you that I don't like it when people try to sneak on me….Arthur Leywin".



Madara looked at Arthur who was now standing a few meters away.

"Madara, I wasn't spying on you".

"then why where you sneaking on me?",

"sigh..i was just making sure no one was around to see us".

"see us?"

"I just want to ask you something, how did you do it?, that day in Professor Glory's class, how did you appeared right where the elf Princess was standing, even though you were on the other side of the arena?".

The moment Arthur said that, the atmosphere around him changed. Madara looked at Arthur who was maintaining his cool even tho the air around him seem heavy.

"I don't see a reason for me tell you anything, don't try to cross the line", said Madara in a serious tone while his hair moving left and right due to the passing wind.

"I just asked,so it's fine if you don't tell me".

'man, what's wrong with him, I just asked him nicely, he didn't have to be this serious', thought Arthur.

"Anything else you want to ask?".


hearing Arthur's answer, Madara turned and walked away.

After a few turns of walking, Madara cane to halt and looked at the person standing in front of him.

"I finally found you.. Commoner", said the boy who was blocking Madara's way.

"What do you want Lucas?".

"don't fucking act like you didn't do anything to do me!!, how dare you humiliate me like that!!", angrly said Lucas while walking towards Madara.

"then what do you want?, a rematch?".said Madara while crossing his arms.

"youu!!, I'm going to make you reg…"


Lucas's body hit the ground like a sack of potatoes. Lucas wasn't able to handle the killing intent that Madara released on him.

He was feeling like something was choking him. His whole body felt heavy like something was sitting on him.

"This might be my last time warning you so listen careful. You better stay away from me, I don't like people like you, people who think that they're powerful but in reality they're just weak little bugs", with those words finished, Madara walked away, leaving Lucas who was still laying on the ground trying to breathe.

'what a fool', thought Madara who was walking towards the DC building.

Just when he was about to open the door, he heard someone calling him.

"Madara, seems like you arrived right on time", said Claire." Where is Arthur?, I thought he was on the same last class as you?".

"I don't know".

"well, let's wait for the other members", said Claire.

Suddenly, Claire expression changed, she turned and looked at the direction where Madara came from and spoke,

"do feel it, this mana".

"mm", nodded Madara

"come on, let's go and see who's releasing this mana", said Claire as she heading to the direction where she was sensing the mana.

"huh?, what are you doing? Come on!!", yelled Claire who saw Madara stood there like he didn't hear her word.




.(A few minutes ago)

(Arthur pov)

Did that really thought that he would tell me what he did that day?, what a disappointment.

While I was deep in my thoughts, someone suddenly bumped into me from behind.

"watch where your going", I said as I turned to look at the person who just bumped into me.

Looking at him, he was just a fat guy wearing his combat mage uniforms.

"I found you…you bastard!!", yelled the fat guy.

Found me?, who's guy?,

"I don't know who you are, you must have mistaken me", I said as I turned and walked away.

~papa, something is wrong with him~

"yeah, I can feel that", I answered my bond while trying to look at the fatboy.

The moment I turned my head to look at him, I saw a boulder flying towards me with incredible speed.

Was this fool trying to kill me.

I immediately protect myself by forming a mana shield.


The boulder was destroyed the moment it hit my shield, but from the dust I saw the fat boy. His appearance was no longer a human.

With stone claw covering his hand, he thrust it down on the ground and rip a piece of the ground and fired it towards me.

I took out my sword and cut the incoming boulder in half.

But suddenly, the fat boy appeared right between the boulder and started attacking me with his stone claws.

Shit, I can use my sword on him.

I created a mana shield to protect myself from his attacks.

Then suddenly, a large figure appeared behind me, it's shadow complete covered me and the fat boy.

It raised it's arm and slammed it on the fat boy.


Did you really have to transform into your real form?", I asked my bond who was changing back to her fox form.

~You were taking too long to finish him~.

"hahaha, well the job is done".

I walked towards the fat boy who was laying on the small crater.

"mm?, what's this", I asked myself while looking at the weird symbols that were on the back of the fat boy.

'are these runes??'.


Turning my head, I saw Claire running towards me, behind her was Madara who was just slowly walking towards her.


"what happened here?", asked Claire.

"I don't know, this guy just suddenly started attacking me".

"I see", said. Claire as she walked towards the fat boy and looked at his back.

"not this one too".

"what do you mean him too?", said Arthur while looking at the runes on the back of the fat boy.

"another, students was acting just like this one and when they stop him, we found these same symbol on his back.

'it must have happened on the day I went to test my my reanimation jutsu, thought Madara.





(1 hour later ).

"I think it will help if you could tell Director Goodsky everything you saw", said Claire while looking and Arthur." You too Madara, you're coming with us"

"what if I said I don't want to?".

"you should know that I'm your leader, now come on".



*knock knock *, Claire knocked the door of Director Goodsky's office.

"come in", answered the voice on the other side of the door.

The moment Claire opened the door, she was shocked to see the people who were inside the office.

Two people were standing in front of Director Goodsky, a female elf and a human guy with a perfect body.

"Lances", said Claire in a low voice.

The two Lances turned and looked at the students who just walked inside the office.


(AN: if someone gives you 1M dollars rn, would you drop out of school, college

peace ✌

Next chapter