
Xyrus academy

(AN: Thicc chapter: 1.5 words)



(flashback: 3 years ago).

"how long as it been since we saw each other….Virion", said director Goodsky while looking at Virion on the transmission scroll.

"This why I didn't want to call you, I knew you would said that".

"hahah, well it's nice to see you again. So why did you use the scroll and not the ring I gave you years ago".

"That's what I was going to tell you, I gave it some brat who was staying here in Elonoir".

"a brat?".

"Yes, It was a human kid who was staying in the palace".

"a human in your kingdom?, well that's new. Why did you allow him to stay in your kingdom?", said Director Goodsky.

"He happened to save my granddaughter from some slave trader a few years ago, so we allowed him to stay in the palace until the portals opened up".

"hmm, it's seems like you have gone soft for the past few years", said Director Goodsky while laughing.

"just shut up and listen to me.....The boy have already left Elonoir, if my guess are correct, he should be in beast Glades right now."

"wait!, Beast Glades?...why would he go there, he's still a kid right?".

"I'll be stupid if I call him a normal kid, that boy is very talented and….quiet a monster".

"for you to say that, he must really be a an impressive kid, so what's his name?".

"Madara Uchiha, I don't know much about him, but right now is looking for his grandfather".

"mm, Madara Uchiha?, isn't he the boy who became an A rank adventurer and went missing a few months ago?".

"that him, and I don't think he's missing, he probably just found his grandfather who he was looking for".

"hmm, so why did you gave him your ring?"

"well, if he ever use that ring, I want you to convince him on joining your academy. That boy will become someone very powerful in the future, and if you managed to convince him, then you won't regret it".

"it seems like the boy showed you some impressive abilities, mind telling me what mana core stage he was before leaving Elonoir?".

"that, you will have to find it yourself", said Virion while laughing.

"then how about his affinity?".

"I don't know".



"so you don't want to tell me anything about him, fine. I'll wait for him to use the ring".

"Remember Goodsky, try act careful around him".

"what do you mea…", before she could finish talking, the transmission scroll grumble to dust.

"his grandfather lives in Beast Glades?, in all my life in this continent, I never heard or saw someone live in the beast glades. Only Inns are found there, and all of them are close to the portal. Does it mean that his grandfather is living in a dungeon?", thought Director Goodsky.

"it's impossible to live in beast glades, especially in the dungeons because mana beasts will always sense your mana and find you", said Avier( director Goodsky's bond).

"mm, your right, but if his grandfather really lives in there, then he must be powerful to defend himself from the mana beasts....Uchiha…a strange family name".

"are you planning on finding out who is his grandfather?", said Avier.

"mm, I feel like Virion didn't tell me more about the boy for a reason. It's like he was trying to tell me that the boy himself didn't want anyone to know more about him. I don't think he might be a spy from Alacrya since they don't send kids here. But I will find more about him....Avier, starting today, I want you to search large areas in the Beast Glades, try to find any signs of people living in the dangerous area of beast glades"



(Elonoir kingdom).

"I'm sorry little one, but it seems like something is blocking us from finding your friend", said Rinia who was holding a crystal ball with Tess.

"does it mean, I won't be able to even see his face?", said Tess with a defeated expression.

"don't worry, I'll try again to find him, but it will be hard for me since I never saw his face", said Rinia.

Suddenly the door of her house opened up and Virion walked inside.

"ooh, Tess you are here", said Virion.

"hey Grandpa",

"what with the long face", said Virion who walked towards Tess.

"it's nothing", said Tess as she stood up and left Rinia's house. Leaving Virion and Rinia alone.

"Why didn't you tell me that there was another boy living with you?", said Rinia.

"huh?, you mean Madara?. There was no reason to tell you that", said Virion.

"mm, really now….sigh, well it seems like your granddaughter is now depressed because I wasn't able to find this Madara".

"what do you mean you wasn't able to find him?".

"Something is blocking me from building up a connection with him, it like there's a barrier".

"hmm, I see…..do think it's magic?".

"I'm not sure".

"well, I hope he's fine".

Rinia looked at the Virion for a few seconds before turning around and walked towards her chair.

'Now this is interesting ', thought Rinia.


(present time )

(Madara pov)

"STUDENTS, please form a single file line in front of a white center building Ahead, Attendance for the Entrance ceremony is mandatory", yelled a guy with glasses and a bow cut.

(AN: I copied and pasted this shit).

As I was heading to the said building, I ignored all the look I was getting from other students, but one particular gaze pissed me off, since I felt it trying to read me, I turned my head and looked at the direction where the gaze was coming.

"Arthur Leywin", I thought as our eyes met, he seem shocked but he maintained his cool and pretend to look away, I smirk at his action.




(Arthur pov)

While me, Elijah and Sylvie who was on top of my head followed the direction we were told to go, I looked around at the other students but my gaze landed on a one particular guy, with long spiky hair that reach his waist, on his shoulder was a red- orange fox with nine tails.

"his mana beast is cute", I thought as I used my keen sense to see what mana core stage he is.

But my attempts failed, I tried again but nothing, I wasn't able sense anything from him, not even an aura.

"this kind reminds me of someone", I thought while still looking at the guy. But then suddenly he turned his head and looked at me right in the eyes, at that moment I figured out who he was.

"Madara Uchiha".

I decided to avoid eye contact with him, but at the corner of my eyes, I saw him grinned and looked away

"didn't the guild said he disappeared, they even put a quest to find him but no one ever did, how is he alive?,

"and why I can't sense his mana core, even his beast, sigh…that guy is full of mysteries, And why he's so fucking handsome with all of that hair".

(AN: U gay bro?)

My thoughts were stopped by the voice of Sylvie.

~Papa, that guy is dangerous ~

"huh?, how can you tell?".

~I just know it~.

(AN: Six sense activate)

"mm, I remember Gramps Virion told me to befriend him, but I don't think that's gonna happen...maybe I can use that thing ".

"yo, Arthur why you seem so space out", said Elijah while touching my shoulder.

"it's nothing, let's just go".




(General pov)

Walking towards the reception desk where a girl with a crystal ball was standing, Madara stood in front of her waiting for her to do her things.

"Student: Madara Uchiha, Combat Mage, Affinity…huh? None????".

The girl panicked, but then she took out a transmission scroll and started talking to the person who could be seen on the scroll page.

"cough, I'm sorry for my reaction but you can go now, welcome to Xyrus academy", said the girl while bowing down.

"Seems like Miss. Goodsky already took care of that", thought Madara while heading to the hall were all first year students are supposed to be.




"this seat will do", said Madara who was now sitting at the back of the platform, looking at the stage in front of him. He watched as the students filled the hall.

He looked at Kurama who was sitting on his lap,

~so, will the negative emotions in this academy be enough for you Kurama~

~yes, this whole place is filled with negative emotions~

"good, then keep absorbing".said Madara as he looked at the suddenly appearance of Director Goodsky who used sound magic to quiet down the students.

He looked at her looking at a certain direction and wink, then she looked back at him and smile.

She then started talking, just like in the manhwa and novel.

(AN: I'm just too tired to even copy it)

"Now let me introduced you to Xyrus academy Students Council ", said Director Goodsky as the Students Council started showing themselves, one by one.

But the last one cause everyone to Wow ' due to her beauty.

"well, I must say….she's looking good".


(AN: Just reminding you guys that Arthur and Tess are not friends so no one care about the other one)

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