
The Truth

(AN:point out grammar errors)

"he looks like the old Madara, but not that old", thought Madara while looking at the old man on the entrance of the cave.

"so that was an illusion magic you put there".said Madara.

"Not just an illusion, a special illusion that only I can use", said the old man Madara as he also activate his fully matured Sharingan.

"but I must say Grandson, you look exactly like me when I was your age", said old man Madara while walking towards Madara.

"so your my Grandfather, the one my parents wanted me to meet".

"yes…I know you have so many questions, so come with me",said old Madara.

Madara followed the old man into the cave, they went deep down into the cave.

"wow, that was the only thing Madara could thought the moment he saw what was in front of him.

Deep down the cave was a Large forests and lakes cover the whole surrounding, The exceptionally high ceiling was filled with brilliant shining crystals of two colors, white crystals in the center that resemble the sun, and blue crystals surrounding it that resemble the sky. Within the forest were blue crystals of different sizes that reflect the light from above, causing the forest to be filled with a pale blue glow.

(AN: Kinda like the 18th floor in Danmachi)

"this was once a dungeon, belong to a very powerful mana beast, I defeated it and decided to live here for the rest of my life, as you can see. it have everything I need", said old man Madara as he guided Madara to his house.

His house was in the center of the dungeon, it was made entirely of wood.

While Madara was busy looking at his surrounding, the old Madara spoke,

"this is my house, welcome".

Madara looked at the wooden house and walked inside,

"come sit".

Madara walked towards the chair and sit down, he looked at the old Madara who was now sitting in front of him.

"your quiet calm, unlike your father".

"well, a lot of things happened".

"I see,well then, I think it's time for you know everything, first I'm your Ancestor"

"huh?, really?..how come your still alive?".

"I'll show everything", said the old Madara as he activate his Sharingan which was the MS and looked at Madara's eyes.

The moment he did that ,Madara's surrounding changed into a different scene..

"Two Thousands years ago, My father, the very first Uchiha was the rulers of Alacrya, he ruled the land with peace, Since My father was the first Uchiha to awaken the magic eyes, He became a very powerful person, his powers alone made everyone fear and respect him, and that was the beginning of the powerful Uchiha clan.

But even though my father awaken the magical eyes, it wasn't the same for everyone, the other Uchiha weren't able to awaken it. This made my father the only one Uchiha with those magic eyes.

All of that changed when I was born, after just ten years I awaken my magical eyes, making me the second Uchiha to have them.

But then, After some years everything changed when Alacrya was attacked by the creatures calling themselves the Vritra, and their leader Agrona Vritra.

(AN: Me and my fckng mind)

They killed everyone who didn't obey them, the only Uchiha left were my father,me and my wife.

my Father tried to stop them but failed, on his dying wish, he told me to burn his whole body so that the Vritra wouldn't find his remains. He also told me to find a way to take back our kingdom from the Vritra. So he gave me a magical crystal as his last gift.

I burned my father to ashes, this action caused my eyes to evolve to another stage. With the new power I gained from my eyes, I escaped from Alacrya with my wife and ended up here in this continent.

I took This dungeon and put a powerful illusion to protect us from the eyes the Vritra and other beings.

After years me and my wife had eight children, four boys and girls all of them didn't have the Uchiha magical eyes. I was disappointed.

But one day when I was sleeping, a voice appeared in my dream and told me that one of my future grandson would be the chosen one who will awaken the most powerful magical eyes that will keeps evolving to become more powerful and with it he will bring back the Uchiha name to it's rightful place and defeat the Vritra.


With that in mind, I had no choice but to act, I told all of my children that , they must marry each other in order to not taint the Uchiha bloodline.

(AN: Alabama joined the chat).

And so, years passed but there was no sign of the chosen one, my wife and many of my children passed away due to the old age, but for me I kept living due to the magical crystal that I implanted on my chest.

Years went by, but I never lose hope even tho my body started cracking in the inside due to the power of the crystal.

Then one day, the voice appeared again and told me that the chosen one will be born in a few months.

I tried sensing my descendants who were all over this continent, but it seems like only two of them were alive, the rest were killed.

The two remaining were your parents, I made my way to the town they lived and told them that you should come find me when your older, but it seems like reality was not on my side. Your parents died.

I wasn't able to save them, due to my body condition, but you survived and here you are"


The moment the old Madara finished talking, the scene returned to normal.

'mm, from what I saw, he never used the Susanoo. Did he not know about it ', thought Madara who was piecing everything he saw from the Genjutsu.

"Now you know everything, who we were and how powerful we can become. The voice once told me that not only will you be born with powerful eyes but also skills and techniques." Said the old Madara as he stood up.

" I don't have enough time left in this world, my body will break, but until then, I will teach you train you and give you my gifts. You will be able to fully use your powers and abilities. I won't force you to choose which path you want to take, but you must remember who we are and what is rightful ours"

"We are the Uchiha"

(AN:End of Volume 1)

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