
The Space Marines are Here

With the Orc commander's death, the other Orc forces quickly fell into disarray. Some fled the battlefield, their morale shattered; others were brought down swiftly by the Arcadian and UAN forces, their futile attempts at retaliation serving only to add to the growing piles of bodies.

For several days following the victory, Jarvis and Ova remained at the site of the battle. They assisted with tending to the wounded, overseeing cleanup operations, and reestablishing order in the city.

Most of the city's population had already been hauled off as slaves for the Orcs to use as labor. Yet, a handful of citizens had managed to hide and survive. These survivors emerged from their hideouts, eyes wide with shock and disbelief as they viewed the devastation that had been wrought on their city.

Search parties were sent out to track down any remaining Orcs hiding in the shadows of the city. At the same time, Jarvis ordered the revival of the city's infrastructure and arranged for supplies to be transported to the city.

The healers worked overtime, mending the wounds and healing the sick. Their magic brought relief to many who were suffering, and after a few days, hope began to slowly seep back into the hearts of the people.

Jarvis had walked through the battered streets of the city; he could see firsthand the horror that had been done to the city and its people and could only imagine what was happening all over the world.

As he walked through the streets followed by a 4 of his Royal Guard, he had accepted the rewards that he received from killing the Orc Commander.

[Orc Commander killed]

Rewards: 20x Space Marines

100k system points

Immediately after that another mission popped up.

[There are 3 more Orc Commanders present on the planet, kill them to completely repel the Orc invasion]

Rewards: Gene-Seed implant schematic

Jarvis knew what these Gene-Seed implants were. He wondered if the system was telling him to basically become the emperor of mankind. While possible in a sense, he would never have the actual abilities that the emperor of mankind had.

He had the ability to claim the title, but it would take thousands of years before he could achieve the same power that the Imperium had in the Warhammer verse.

After walking through the streets of the city, Jarvis returned to the Arcadian command center located in the center of the city to summon the space marines. He walked to the courtyard and ordered everybody to clear out. Once they were gone, he summoned the 20 space marines.

With a flash of white light, the space marines appeared in their full glory. Standing at least seven feet tall, teach one was equipped with a power armor painted in blue and gold colors similar to the Arcadian flag. Their helmets were adorned with crests and their shoulder pads bore the Empire's emblem.

Jarvis stood before them with Ova whom he met as he walked into the command center, interested in what these Space Marines where she had joined him. He raised his hand, palm facing outwards in a gesture of authority and respect. "Space Marines," he began, "You are the vanguard of Arcadia, entrusted with our highest hopes and prayers."

The space marines remained silent, but Jarvis could feel their unyielding attention on him. They were like statues; immovable, indestructible. Yet there was an intensity about them, a deadly calm that spoke volumes.

"Our enemy is the Orcs, and they have invaded this world to enslave every single person. And I tell you this, we will not let them. We will fight them on every street, in every city. We will fight them in the fields and in our homes. We will fight until our last breath."

In perfect unison, the space marines saluted their emperor. "We are Space Marines," the lead marine said, his voice resonating deeply through his helmet's voice modulator, "we are the defenders of humanity."

Jarvis nodded and stepped back, allowing the lead Space Marine to address his troops. With a powerful bellow, he commanded them, "Marines! Prepare for battle! We fight for the emperor!"

The lead marine then turned towards Jarvis and saluted.

Jarvis nodded and respected how disciplined they were. He knew they were prepared for battle, and he didn't want to waste any time keeping them in one place.

The Space Marines were split into 4 teams of 5 and would be transported to various areas around the world to alleviate the pressure the rest of the fronts were receiving. One team would remain in Africa with Jarvis, the second team would head to the Asian theatre, the third to Europe, and the last to North America.

Alongside each Space Marine team would be 10 Imperial Knights and two Arcadian Army divisions to support them on the battlefield.

Jarvis spent the rest of the day coordinating with his generals and devising strategies for initiating the final phases of his plans to finally retake Africa. His forces would split up into 3 forces, one heading towards Egypt to open up a path in the middle east, the other for Rabat the capital of Morocco, and the last force led by Jarvis himself would take the Southern part of Africa all the way to Madagascar.

As the weeks went on, the effects of the Space Marine deployment became evident. The tide of war began to turn in favor of the humans. The Orcs, previously pushing forward with an almost unstoppable momentum, now found themselves slowing, then halting, then steadily being pushed back on various fronts. The presence of the Space Marines filled not just the Orcs, but also some of the human forces with awe.

These towering warriors moved with a speed and precision that belied their size, cutting down scores of Orcs in seconds where entire squads of human soldiers would struggle to achieve the same result. In Europe, a team led by a Space Marine named Aurelius was clearing path through Poland. Aurelius was a natural leader; he possessed a fierce determination to rid this land of Orcs and bring safety to its people.

In Asia, another team leader called Gaius was making gains on the Chinese front. His troops stood strong against an especially vicious horde of Orcs that had been laying waste to villages and towns along their path. But Gaius' team showed no signs of faltering; they fought relentlessly day and night to protect the innocent.

The North America team led by Lucius worked tirelessly as well; they had managed to push back the Orc incursions into Canada and were preparing for a counter offensive to regain the northern territories. Lucius was as stoic as he was relentless.

In Africa, Jarvis and his team had successfully retaken the Southern part of the continent, driving the Orcs away from urban centers and strategic points. The people cheered them on, their spirits bolstered by the liberation of their cities and towns.

Arcadian troops were called from the Arcadian continent to garrison various areas and regions within Africa since the leadership of these areas had been killed during the initial Orc invasion. This was also a way for him in the future to establish a strong grip on the entire world and unite all the people.

Everywhere, it seemed, a spark of hope was being reignited. The Arcadian Empire's symbol shone brightly upon flags hoisted high in liberated cities. Yet, there remained much work to be done. The Orcs were not defeated entirely; they had merely fallen back to regroup before they would inevitably launch another wave of attacks.

However, during this time, the Arcadian Research department has just finished creating the massive cannons that would take out the Orc ships in Orbit and prevent anymore reinforcements from coming down towards the surface. As his campaign in Africa was mostly done, Jarvis returned to his Capital to finally get rid of the Orc ships orbiting the planet.

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