
African Campaign 1

Onboard the Heli-carrier, Jarvis was sitting within the Command center as they just passed over the Horn of Africa and was heading to the Ethiopian Empire's capital city Addis Ababa. While he was sitting in his command center, he had received a new mission from the system.

[Orc Commander: An Orc Commander is present within the African Continent, kill him to weaken the Orcs invasion force]

Rewards: 20x Space Marines

100k system points

With this new mission popping up and looking at the rewards, Jarvis wondered just how powerful those Space marines would be. While he had read about them in books, it remained to be seen if they would truly live up to their reputation.

A few moments later they had arrived within view of Addis Ababa, the once vibrant capital reduced to a city of smoke and ruin. The Heli-carrier slowly floated above the city, surveying the destruction. Jarvis' eyes narrowed as he watched Orc soldiers terrorizing the helpless citizens and ruthlessly destroying their homes.

"Prepare for battle!" Jarvis ordered.

As they acknowledged his command, Jarvis boarded a Pelican and proceeded down towards the city alongside dozens of other Pelicans. Fighters and bombers flew over the city while gunships started to attack the Orcs within the city.

The skies above Addis Ababa were filled with the sound of engines and gunfire, the bright flashes of explosions bloomed like deadly flowers amidst the cityscape. From the Heli-carrier, a swarm of drones was launched.

Jarvis watched as they zoomed towards the city below, capturing live footage of the carnage and pinpointing strategic locations for his forces to attack.

Not wanting to leave all the fighting to his forces, Jarvis joined them. He wore his own exo-suit which was designed and created by Lara to protect him in battle.

With him in the back of the Pelican was Ova alongside the Imperial knights who were ready for battle. On the ground, Pelican dropships flew overhead, dropping troops off onto the battlefield who charged the Orcs frontlines.

A few demons were teleporting all around the frontlines to strategic locations, their magical abilities catching the Orcs off guard.

The city was filled with the sounds of battle. The air was thick with smoke and the ground looked like scorched earth. Everywhere Jarvis looked, there was destruction and despair. But amidst all that, he also saw hope in the faces of the survivors that were being rescued.

Unfortunately, the Orc commander was not present within this region of Africa, but it was still vital that he liberated this region to prevent the spread of Orcs to other vulnerable regions.

With the battle in full swing, Jarvis took a moment to relay orders. "Aim for their weak points and take out their strongest troops so we can push ahead!"

His command was quickly carried out. As one, his soldiers started focusing their fire on the Orcs' weak points and aiming for the Orcs whom they knew were the stronger than the rest based off the information that they had been gathering on them.

"Engage the enemy, but remember, every civilian saved is a victory. Let's not lose sight of why we are here," Jarvis added, his voice echoing over the comm systems within the helmets of every soldier on the ground.

Amidst the roaring fires and siren screams, soldiers moved like clockwork, their actions following a pre-set rhythm. They'd been trained for this, each one of them knowing their roles, executing them with precision.

Meanwhile, Jarvis himself was proving to be a force to be reckoned with. His exo-suit has given him unprecedented speed and power. He swooped through the battlefields alongside Ova and his Imperial Knights, as they tore through hordes of adversaries.

His speed and power had left many fallen in his path as they made their way towards the Palace. Despite their numbers and brutish strength, the Orcs began to falter under his unrelenting assault. The once fearsome invaders were starting to waver.

The sight of their fallen brethren, the intimidating technology that the Arcadian soldiers wielded, and Jarvis' relentless attacks caused a shift in the tides of battle.

After a few hours of arriving within the Capital city, the Orcs were retreating.

Jarvis watched the retreating figures of the Orcs, their monstrous shoulders hunched in defeat. But there was no time to bask in victory; the city was still smoldering and its people needed help. His orders came swift and clear over the comm systems.

"All available units, search and rescue! Civilians are to be evacuated immediately."

The Capital's grand palace had been reduced to a sad facade of its former glory, the lavish structures scarred by battle and towers of smoke. Jarvis led his team into the ash-covered halls, scanning for survivors with infrared vision enhanced by his exo-suit.

They heard the faint whimpers first, muffled cries echoing from beneath the rubble. They dug tirelessly, pulling out scared children and weeping adults from ruined structures.

By nightfall, recovery camps were established throughout the city. Jarvis moved among his men and women, praising their tireless work, and offering condolences for those they had lost.

However, their work was not done. With the Ethiopian Capital taken back, Jarvis had started to split his army up to retake control of the Horn of Africa. Combined with the efforts of the Navy and the Airforce, the plan was estimated to be completed within a week, two if they encountered heavy Orc resistance.

As Jarvis studied the map of Africa, he traced a path from Addis Ababa towards Sudan with his finger. The military intelligence had picked up an orc camp on the outskirts of Khartoum, which was likely where another high-ranking Orc was stationed.

With this news he gathered his army, leaving behind a sizable garrison to defend the land that they had retaken and continue to offer shelter to the civilians.

Meanwhile the Orc Commander was fighting against a UAN force somewhere in the Congo. His forces were trampling the UAN soldiers as they desperately tried to fight against an overwhelming force. He was entrusted by the Orc General to take this region of the planet and establish a stronghold.

Yet the inhabitants of the planet were putting up a fight causing the invasion to drag on even longer than the General wanted it to.

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