
Cuba Saved?

The United States had sent troops into Cuba under the excuse of Humanitarian Aid. It was not a formal declaration of war since Cuba couldn't even be considered on the Level of the United States Military.

The American and Cuban Military clashed during the naval invasion of Havana which was Cuba's Capital and Main trading Port.

Civilians were told to stay indoors by American troops as they made their way through the city fighting the Cuban forces.

While they were no match for a Marine they were still able to use the advantage of the city buildings to resist the American invasion. But with air support and the over all tactical advantage the Cuban military slowly retreated back to the Presidential Palace.

The American General in charge of the operation was informed of this and had ordered his men to surround the Presidential Palace. 

Cuban President Enel Bazile was inside of his Palace Panicking and screaming at his Generals who were useless.

"How can't you stop them. We had the advantage because we were defending an island and you couldn't even stop them from landing" The Cuban President was so angry at this time since everything that he has built up to now will be lost.

"Mr. President we can't stop them it's the Americans, their Military is far superior than ours and we don't have the manpower or the Military equipment to fight a war" Tried to explain the General. But the President wasn't hearing it.

"Prepare the Presidential Helicopter" Ordered the President

But nobody started to move and suddenly two soldiers had walked into the room "I'm sorry Mr. President but I hate to see the people suffer" Said the General as he pointed at President Enel Bazile signaling the soldiers to arrest him.

"You can't do this to, let me go" Cried President Enel Bazile as he tried to resist the soldiers.

As he tried to fight back, a voice emerged from the shadows. "There's no use resisting, President Enel Bazile. Or should I say, former president now," the mysterious voice said with a hint of malice.

The soldiers in the room aimed their weapons at the source of the mysterious voice but they were stopped by the Generals. "Put your weapons down, this is an ally" Said General Alfonso San Martín who was also the Highest ranked General in the room and the one with the most influence behind the President.

The Soldiers naturally complied with the Generals orders and put their weapons down.

A figure stepped out of the shadows, revealing a woman with vibrant red hair and matching eyes. The soldier quickly deduced her identity, as there was only one country where people possessed such distinctive features - the Arcadian Empire.

General Martín approached the figure and was handed a document.

"Is this it?" asked General Martín.

"Yes it entails all the benefits of signing this agreement and if I were you I would hurry up before the American's breach those doors" Said the Woman.

General Martín placed the document on the table to show the other Generals. 

"My Fellow Generals and all the soldiers in this room. This document is the way towards a brighter future for the Cuban people. It entails all of the details that is required from our nation in order to receive the benefits that will come with this agreement" Explained General Martín as he began to go over the Document with everybody in the room.

The Document was simple really. Cuba would become a protected nation under the Arcadian Empire and will receive complete economic support, diplomatic support, and Military support to ensure the nation isn't taken over by any other nation.

In exchange Cuba will remain a Puppet Government under the Arcadian Empire and have to pay a tax to the Arcadian Government every year. But that tax will be waived for the next 15 years so that the Cuban Economy can get back on it's feet.

To the other Generals this Document looked to be something sent from the Heavens since it promised a lot and asked for only small things which was doable.

And while Cuba will be a puppet at least it will still live on and the people will have a brighter future.

So every General signed the Document officially making Cuba a Protectorate under the Arcadian Empire.

The woman from the Arcadian Empire had removed her hood took her cloak off showing what she was wearing which was basic outfit for Arcadian Diplomats.

"Alright then Generals, let's present this to the American forces to get them to back off" Said the Woman

"I agree, But before we go may I know your name" Asked General Martín

The woman smiled as she turned around "Of course, my name is Renna and I don't have a last name as some people in the Arcadian Empire come from clans which don't believe in last names" Explained Renna

"And what if the American's deny that this document is real or just ignore it and continue with the invasion" Asked General Martín.

Renna's expression shifted to one of seriousness as she brought up the document once again. She flipped to a specific page, pointing to a signature with emphasis. "This is the personal signature of his majesty, and it cannot be replicated because it is imbued with magic. If they choose to ignore this document, then according to its terms, which have already gone into effect two minutes ago, the Arcadian Empire will deploy troops to Cuba."

General Martín and the other Generals felt relieved "Alright then let's go and see what happens" Said General Martín as the proceeded out the door.

Once they were outside of the Palace he ordered his men to contact the American forces and ask for a meeting with the Officer in Charge.

Not too long after the American General had informed the Mainland before he was allowed to meet with the Cuban forces.

And so a small convoy of Cuban vehicles approached the Americans station outside with Renna accompanying them.

The convoy was forced to stop outside and the Generals along with Renna had to go into the American camp by themselves.

Once they were inside they were brought to a tent and sat down at a table with the Officer in charge whose names was General Kayden Cox.

General Cox stood up and shook each of the Generals hands but when his eyes landed on Renna he was confused on why an Arcadian Diplomat was here.

"General Martín why is an Arcadian Diplomat with you" Asked General Cox

General Martín didn't want to waste time talking so he showed them a document "Here is all the information you need to know" Said General Martín as he handed over the document.

Renna had sat down across from General Cox while the Cuban Generals remained standing behind her.

It didn't take General Cox to learn what this Document was about and he must say that he is disappointed and a little bit angry since he lost some men trying to take this island and now this document basically make all those lives lost for nothing.

"Wait here while I give you a direct connection with the President" Said General Cox since this matter was not something that he could make a decision on.

So he pulled up a computer and contacted the Minister of Defense who then contacted the President. It took a while but eventually the President of the United States was on video call with the Security Council with him.

General Cox had turned the computer to face Renna and the Cuban Generals so they can speak with the Security Council.

"Mr. President I'm sure that you already have the information about the document so if you would please remove all American presence from this island or you risk a potential war with the Arcadian Empire" Said Renna with a smile on her face.

President Henry Oswald looked at the Security Council to confirm whether or not the document was indeed signed by both parties.

"Where is the Cuban President at" Asked President Henry Oswald.

"He has been arrested for treason and abuse of power as the Cuban President" Answered General Martín.

"I see" responded President Oswald.

"But even so I refuse to recognize this document since the loss of those who died trying to take this island is not something that can be ignored. I won't betray our soldiers by having them die for nothing" Stated President Oswald clearly stating his intentions.

Renna showed a surprised face "I must say that I am shocked that this had to happen President Oswald. You must know that the Arcadian Empire won't allow something like this to just happen"

"Arrest them General Cox and finish up this invasion" Ordered President Oswald as he ended the call.

Not even a second later soldiers had rushed in aiming their weapons at the Generals and Renna.

"GET ON THE GROUND NOW!" Yelled the soldiers.

General Martín and the other Generals couldn't do nothing but get on the ground and be arrested by the American soldiers.

Meanwhile Renna was taken into custody as well as she gave her self up willingly. As she was being taken away she only smiled since this was all apart of his Majesty's plan.

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