
The Republic of China is no More

All on the Frontlines of the Chinese Civil war, the soldier's of both the Arcadian Empire and the Chinese Empire who heard the speech was filled with determination.

And it would be need for the battle ahead. 

The first target of the 30 day war was the city of Qingdao located on the East Coast of the Republic of China, and also it was the headquarters' for their Army command for the Frontlines.

It was located well behind enemy lines and was a fortified location protected by anti-air guns and around 20k soldiers.

At the Port of the City their were fort's with coastal guns facing the sea guarding against a potential Sea invasion ensuring the protection of their territorial waters.

But Jarvis had a way to get pass these defenses. 

100 Fighters/Bombers were launched towards the city passing the defenses of the Frontline due to their speed and defense. Each Aircraft was equipped with a kinetic barrier to block all projectiles from damaging the armor.

As this happened the frontlines had began to panic as a bunch of enemy aircraft has passed their defenses on the Frontlines.

This was a problem as now the enemy could bomb their logistics and cut off their supplies causing them to run out should the enemy attack them.

Or they could go and bomb one their cities causing civilian casualties.

Not a lot of them thought that this was the case since something like that was strictly prohibited by the Major Power's and would make them all gang up and attack the Arcadian Empire should they do that.

And also a majority of them was not brain washed like the some soldier's were. The Republic of China may have been pushing for soldier's to see the enemy as Demon's but some soldier's didn't believe that they were demon's.

It was the year 2024 and people had a more modern mind that couldn't be subjected to believe anything that the Government says.

Plus most of the soldier's are only fighting because of the compulsory service Policy that the Republic of China had which made all males aged 18-24 serve 24 months in the military.

But back to the war, the Fighter/Bomber's from the Arcadian Empire had reached the city of Qingdao and had their target in sight.

The Headquarters for the Republic of China's army command for the Entire Frontlines. 

"This is Delta-1 reporting target in sight, civilian's are not near the area" Reported the Delta Wing Commander

On the other end a male voice could be heard "Delta Leader this is HQ, you have permission to fire at the target"

"Copy that HQ" Said the Delta Leader

"All units this is Delta Leader, Operation Hidden Anvil is a go, I repeat Operation Hidden Anvil is ago" Said Delta Leader as all of the Fighter/bombers had split into their assigned wings as they had their own individual mission's to complete.

Delta Leader had released both his rocket's which had reached it's target in a matter is seconds while he flew his Fighter/Bomber over the city.

Meanwhile at sea a few miles off the coast of the city, An arcadian Navy was waiting as the Operator was looking at a screen.

The screen showed live satellite imagery of the city, and once the enemy Army Command was destroyed the Operator turned his head to look at the Admiral.

"Ma'am the enemy army HQ is destroyed" Reported the Operator

"Good" Said Armorra the Chief of the Arcadian Navy as she turned around and pressed a button on her personal console.

"All forces Initiate the invasion" Said Armorra as she watched the entire Arcadian Fleet move as one and into position to Naval invade the city.

While this was going on Jarvis had began pushing with his soldier's on frontlines which were currently hectic right now as they couldn't get in contact with their command.

The Various Commander's attempted to do what they can and hold off the enemy, but the soldier's they were facing were different from before.

And just like that the Arcadian Empire had advanced and take a lot of land from the Republic of China in just the first day of the battle.

The Republic of China couldn't even respond to the enemies fast advance as they were already stretched too thin and was not prepared for an enemy attack on their Army Command.

As a result they had to reorganize and create a new Army command. The Reorganization of troop's had cost them even more men as they had to pull some men from many areas to make up for the lack of troops on the East coast.

The Republic of China Military command had predicted that the enemy was going to continue to push on the east coast, so they started to focus more on the East where the enemy was pushing.

Their Northern line still had men but they were not as many as the Eastern side was getting.

But this was all part of Jarvis Plan as he was already on the move to the Northern Line where he would push next to confuse the enemy and cause some chaos among the military leader's.

Just one day and he was already making great progress, This war would see it's end by the end of the month.

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