
Pride and Arrogance

Every magician has a special space - "Nirvana". The presence of this space is what distinguishes an ordinary person from a magician. In "Nirvana" there is the "Warp" and therefore the whole power of a magician. This is the main and the only factor determining whether a person is able to become a magician or not.

As you know, the "Warp" is shrouded in chains, in other words - "Barriers". When a magician breaks one of the "Barriers", one chain cracks and rings loudly. After a while, that chain breaks and it means the magician has completely breached one "Barrier".

Evan had experienced something similar before, and now again he could hear the chains rattling inside him. The ringing was very loud and eerie, as if it was coming from hell, and the chains themselves were forged in the abyss.

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