
Chapter 35

I stack the condoms one by one while I wait for my next trick. Jayden's so hell-bent on proving Mick she's worthy today, she even did some yoga stretches before we left. I wouldn't be a friend if I didn't warn her about the camera in room 2, so I told her. She kissed me for telling her. I should've been surprised that she wasn't upset about being watched while having sex, but Jayden is a free spirit and wasn't alarmed at all.

A small knock sounds at the door, making me hurry and throw my stack of condoms in the bowl.

A man with long blond hair and dark scruff on his cheeks walks in, wearing a distressed black shirt and ripped jeans with dirty work boots. His skin is a golden tan, and his large hands have white paint on them. No, it looks too abrasive for paint - concrete, maybe? I bet he's a construction worker. He's sexy as hell.

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