
Chapter 7

As her eyes fluttered open, Adara winced. Her body ached as if bruised.

Because it was.

Abruptly, she recalled what had happened. The women who weren't women attacking her. The three charging at once and landing several blows.

It should have been a quick battle.

ExceptÉAdara had been learning recently in her dreams how to fight. There was a reason she allowed herself to relive the battle with demons, so she would hopefully remember how to fight the next time she needed it.

When those three demons came at her, she'd initially frozen in panic. But as the blows landed, she'd felt anger simmering in her.

Rage that they would attack her after all the demons had done. And then grim satisfaction. Now was her chance for some revenge.

She'd fought back. Her arms rising to block blows, fists shooting to strike. Her feet and legs moving more intricately than any dance.

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