

Amber and Kayden had a three-day weekend planned before their mid-week wedding. I couldn't figure why they'd wanted to marry on a Wednesday, but it had been their choice, and who was I to question them? Valerie sat at the breakfast table and looked remorsefully at Liam, who was covered in yogurt and had strawberry stains down the front of his pajamas. Yogurt was also in his hair, and when I glanced over at him, he was rubbing it into the table.

"Those are great massage moves you got there, buddy, but wouldn't you rather eat that than make a pattern on the table?"

"Me doing art, Daddy. Making pictures like Mommy," he said with a studious expression.

Walking around the table, I could see that in the creamy liquid he'd made lots of swirls with his fingertips.

"You are. Am I guessing or do you want to tell me what it is?"

Glancing up at me he rolled his eyes like I was stupid not to know, "It's Lexi, Daddy."

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