
The Demon He Fears (3)


One by one the glass objects exploded to bits, scaring the teenagers. Yoonmin and Minyoon shielded the girls, pulling them under furniture for cover while Magrod took charge.

"Stay there!" he ordered.

Magrod instantly left the body of the stuffed toy and rushed towards Miyoo's room in his demon form. He had morphed into the monstrous dog, growling loudly.

He barged into the bedroom to find that the window was open and everything in the room was a mess. A strong scent of sulphur hung in the air but thankfully, he sniffed Miyoo's presence in the room. He found her hiding under a dresser, shaking in fear. Her face was white as chalk as if she had seen something scary.

"Oi kid-" Magro began but she burst into loud tears. 

"M-MOMMYYYYY!" She screamed. "MOMMYYYYY!"

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