

Hobin sped to pick up Jina from their apartment. He was already dressed up in a dapper emerald suit with dark pants and a white vest. Even though it was a formal party, he opted for a semi-formal look to highlight his good looks. He wanted to look his best next to his Tinkerbell who was definitely going to turn a few heads that night. Hobin chuckled, recalling their conversation when he informed her about the party…

"What?" Jina had exclaimed over the phone. "A party?"

"Yeah," he replied. "It's more of a formal event which the Doctors' Association hosts every year. Prominent healthcare experts from all over the country attend it and I got an invitation. I get to bring a date too."

Jina squealed at the other end. She was suddenly excited because this was their first formal event as a couple.

"I'm gonna get a dress ready!" She insisted. "I'm so excited!"

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