

A few days later I was Vince's driver at the University. And Olivia and I always see each other too. Yes I found out the name of their daughter when she told me her name. The cute one when she said it. Her daughter and I became close every time I went to the University and we met secretly. Hiding somewhere so that his dad wouldn't see us, when his dad called her she immediately said goodbye to me.

I went home and had plans to go to the mall so I went to my room to get dressed formally.

I wandered around the mall and had no intention of buying anything. Until someone grabbed my attention. A necklace.

I approached it and looked. It is beautiful and has a pindant heart and the other one is a spade.

I immediately took the two and went to the cashier.

When I got home it was past 4 o'clock so I thought of fetching Vince.

When I got there I saw him sitting on the side of the University gate as if waiting for someone. I immediately approached him.

"Vince!" I call him and wave. He immediately approached me.


"I'll give you something son." I said and showed him the necklace I had bought. He has the spade. The shock was obvious in his eyes. He immediately hugged me to my surprise. I'm about to fall. When he left I knelt down and handed him the necklace.

"Just be sensible?" He nodded. "All right let's go." I said and pulled him into the car.

Tomorrow I will give Olivia a necklacs.

When we got home, I immediately dressed Vince. I went to her room and saw him wearing his necklace. I knocked three times but he did not turn to me so I just entered.

"Vince?" He was surprised when I suddenly appeared next to him.

"It is ok to knock mama." He was joking.

"I already knocked three times and you ignored me." I said again. He did not say a word. He looks sad now.

I immediately tickled him because of his struggle.

"Haha ... m-mama that's tickle! Hahaha ....." he laughed but I didn't stop him.

"I won't stop if you still don't smile."

"Yeah ... haha โ€‹โ€‹that's right ... I'm going to smile!"

I stopped for a moment and the wind blew him away.

"That's good." He whispered.

Ah, you still don't care. I immediately tickled him so he struggled again.

Even though we are like this. Even if the family is lacking, as long as my son is happy, I'm ok now. I will do everything for my son. I will lay down my life just for my son.


"Vince it's late! Get up already!" I call him. I peeked at him from his door and saw how he woke up and all of a sudden just stood up. I laughed softly.

"Wahhhhh I'm late mom!" He shouted. I went inside.

"Because you woke me up earlier, you don't want to wake up. Did you have a good dream?" I ask this.

"There's no food in my dream mom." He really likes to joke.

"Take a bath and get dressed to eat and I'll take you to your school."

"All right."

"How was school yesterday?" I asked him while driving.

"It's okay. And I have a friend mama." I was stunned by what he said. Are they friends?

Hopefully ...

"What's his name?" I will ask.


"Woah, Nice name." I thought Olivia was his friend. Looks like I made a mistake. "Would you like to go shopping later?" I will ask.

"Yes!" He answer directly.

"All right, as long as you're a good friend, and don't fight with your classmates. Do we understand each other?" I will ask.

"Yes." He said smiling.

When we arrived there, I saw Olivia again so I gave her the necklace I bought.

"Wow, that's nice. Why did you buy me this?"

"Of course because ..." because what is it? "Because we're friends." My answer. She smiled and thanked me.

I waited outside for Vince. It's past 4 o'clock but he's still gone. I had planned to get out of the car to go inside but I saw him come out of his gate.

"Vince!" I call it that. He turned to me and smiled.

"Let's go?" I ask this.

"Let's go!" He shouted.


Here we are today at the mall I went to yesterday and we went round and round.

"Do you have anything to buy?" I will ask.

"There is."

"All right go ahead, I'll wait for you here." I said and he left. As I waited I thought

As I waited I decided to go for a walk to buy. I saw a bracelet with a white crystal design in the middle and with small silver flowers on the side of it. I handed the cashier the bracelet.

"1,500." I was surprised at its price. That's why it's beautiful, it's expensive.

Hey ... I finally paid and then I sat in the seat next to it.

A few minutes later Vince was still gone so I decided to just go to him.

I circled all around but I couldn't see him.

I try left side, right, but he's still gone.

"Vince." I called him even though I knew he couldn't hear me.

I went round and round but I still couldn't really see my son.

As I was walking, suddenly someone ran into me.

"Ouch." I heard a small voice so I was sure it was young. I looked at who it was and I thought it was Vince but it wasn't ... it was Olivia.

I immediately knelt down on it.

"Ate Vanessa!" She called me and I was surprised when she suddenly hugged me. She let go of the hug and I looked at her. ๐‘†โ„Ž๐‘’'๐‘  ๐‘ ๐‘ก๐‘–๐‘™๐‘™ ๐‘ค๐‘’๐‘Ž๐‘Ÿ๐‘–๐‘›๐‘” ๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘’ ๐‘›๐‘’๐‘๐‘˜๐‘™๐‘Ž๐‘๐‘’...

"Woah you still wear it." I said once smiling at her.

"Yes, I can't stay all day. It's nice ... thank you." I smiled.

"Your always welcome. Were friends right?" I will ask.

"Of course."

"Mom." Olivia and I were both stunned when we heard my son's voice. I immediately turned to it.

"Vince! You're worrying me, where are you going?" I ask this.

"Who is she mama?"

"Who is he?" They asked almost at the same time.

"Vince she's Olivia ....... Olivia his Vince, he is my son." I said and I could clearly see her shock. And she even gasped.

"You already have a child?" Vince immediately frowned at her.


"Wait. Is that really your daughter? Why don't you look alike? You're beautiful sister then he ....." Olivia didn't continue speaking and laughed softly. Vince looked at her badly so I laughed at the two of them.

"Hey you two, you shouldn't fight. You should be friends." I said.

"No way!" Vince immediately said and walked away a little from Olivia.

"Wow huh? What do you think I want you to be my friend? Tss. No way either!"

"That's enough."

"Mama, let's go. I don't want to see her face." Vince said so I laughed.

I sigh. I thought they will be friends. But I'm still happy because they already know each other.

"Woah strength to blame, why are you handsome boy?" Olivia didn't argue.

"Mama I don't like her." I frowned at what Vince whispered to me.

"Hey I heard that!" She said but Vince just stared at her.

"Olivia." We were all shocked to hear that voice ... her voice.

I'm blowing wind. And turned to her.

"It's been a long time ..." she said smiling ... but I knew she was hiding her sadness.

"L-lia. H-how are you?" I will ask. Why am I stuttering?

"It's ok. And we're actually happy all day ... and by the way your son?" She asked.

"Yes." I answer.

"Whose father?" I was stunned by his question. "Oh no need. I know he's the father." She says.

"Babe!" I heard a voice beside us. And I was surprised to see him. Vince's father.

"Oh babe." B-babe? They're probably married, so it's really called babe. What is it Vanessa?

And then they kissed each other ...

And my heart shattered into pieces ...

***** *****

Third Person's P.O.V.

While Vanessa and Danica were having fun, Robert on the other hand was sad. Amulet and Zero have been released but Robert is not yet due to his murder of Christopher so now he is alone in jail. He is very sad ... every day ..... every night he thinks about his family and how are Emmanuel. Yes son of Robert and Amulet is Emmanuel or Zero. Danica didn't know about it because they kept it a secret. They had two children with Amulet in case their youngest child ... Xiara died.

At those times, Amulet and Robert felt angry ... they felt angry. They promised that they would take revenge for killing their child ... and that was Danica.

The picture that Danica saw inside the car was meant by Zero so that Danica would remember that incident but that incident has been buried in Danica's oblivion.

As Robert mumbled he suddenly saw a pair of shoes in front of him. He looked up and saw a man standing in front of him.

Robert stood up and faced it.

"What do you need?" Robert asked angrily.

"You're so angry Robert ... don't you want to be free? Don't you want to be with your families?"

"Why can you do anything?"

"Of course ..... I'm a lawyer Robert. So you can count on me."

"All right, I'm willing ... anything in return."


"Yes. What's the replacement?"

"Someone's life." Robert was stunned by what it said.

"Is that crazy? I can't do that!"

"You manage to kill right... did you forget?"

"Alright as long as you don't cheat on me."

"Don't worry, I'll make you commit murder for a long time."

"Who will I kill?"

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So that's how Epilogue mistakian's ...

Finally done well!

My hand is already swollen from typing so I hope you will support me โ™ก

Thank you so much for supporting this story ...

I hope you will continue to support this story until book 2!

See you in book 2!

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