
12. Friend and Rival

Hoseki and Guy continue with their training except for weekend. Whole academy already heard about training madmen duo training like there is no tomorrow. While they are called madmen, they inspired other students start to train harder afraid that they will be below a pervert and no talent kid.

As the days go on, Hoseki feels really awkward when he interacts with his cousin, Kakashi. After after rumours spread, the girl distance themselves from Hoseki and he always got deadly stares from the girls around him when he try to engage a chat with Kakashi.

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry when the girls told him not to infected Kakashi with his prevert nature. After some times the word 'infected' is spread among the students as the immediately avoid him when they see him. Hoseki just ignore them as he after he get used to it. He continues the daily routine plus training together with Guy.

Training with Guy always pushing his limit even after taking so many strength pills. After adding more strength to his body maintain the same shape as Guy always find a way to exceed the limit of their body. Even after some 'cheat' like stamina pills not stopping him to feel exhausted while training. Running, push up, sit up, jumping, side stepping and brawling always their routine that they do except for weekends as Hoseki committed to study fuinjutsu for whole day.





While Hoseki walks to training field to meet Guy, he see Kakashi on his way and greet him. "Yo Kakashi big bro!"

"Stop calling me big bro. I told you that already. Going to field?" Kakashi tries to stop him as usual.

"Yeah, I have Guy already wait for me there. No, he won't wait I guess, he might just start first. So, this who is this?" Hoseki look behind Kakashi and see a boy and a girl follow him.

(A/N: Hoseki and Kakashi in different classes. Early entrance class is held on bigger hall.)

"My classmates. Let me introduce them to you. That idiot is Uchiha Obito and this Nohara Rin."

" Who did you call an idiot?" Obito immediately rage on Kakashi.

" I am Hatake Hoseki, nice to meet you." he stretch his hand toward Rin but cut off by Obito.

"Don't you dare. I shall protect Rin from pervert like you." Obito stands in front Rin to obstruct him from hand shake with Rin.

"Now, now Obito, didn't Kakashi told us about it already. It just a misunderstanding. He goes look for teachers to learn. Stop this will you?" Rin persuade Obito.

"Baka(stupid)!" Kakashi jeer beside him.

"Kakashi!!!" Obito try to attack Kakashi but stopped by Rin.

"Hahhaha. Interesting fellow you got here. Kakashi big bro, I will get going . See you later." Hoseki wanted continues on his way but called by Kakashi. "Hoseki, father is back, he ask to see you. Come home this evening."

"Sure. Bye." Hoseki takes his step and run to the field.

"So that's Hoseki heh. Say Kakashi, is he strong?" Rin ask Kakashi while watching the running Hoseki.

"We fought many times before, I can assure you he is very strong."

Obito dumbfounded by Kakashi revelation. "That pervert bookworm? Did you lose against him?"

"I won. Barely. Well at least a few months ago. Seeing how hard he train who knows how strong he is now." Kakashi wonder about that remembering how hard to win against Hoseki especially. The last time they fight.

Both Rin and Obito dumbfounded again.




"You late Hoseki. I have finished my 500 laps." Guy talk with a thumb up.

"Guy we will end our training early today. Let go straight to spar after some warm up". Hoseki immediately start his warm warp The warm up they talk about is the 1000 and 500 push up.

After some period of time, they go to wilds for sparring. Days ago when they first sparring, Hoseki feels how strong Guy already. As they continue to fight, he feel that Guy are harder to handle by days. His kick and punch are becoming faster and stronger. The boy daily improvement really impressed him. The only problem is he doesn't now when to stop. So Hoseki, decided that the fight should be weekly. Maybe in future it will be monthly.

Without using any other jutsu except taijutsu, Hoseki is really having hard time to fight him. Hoseki could not stand the idea of being left behind as he also doubles his training on taijutsu. The fight last for hours as the are stop in heavy breath

"Hey Guy heh heh h h. Come and follow me this evening. I will take you to see someone."

"Huh? Who?"

"Secret. Just follow me. Hehe"




"Who are we going to see Hoseki?" whose house is this?" Guy asks nervously.

"We will see him soon. Just wait." Hoseki knocks on the door several times.

The door opened slowly and Kakashi head peek out of the gap "You are here Hoseki? Guy too?"

"Ka ka ka Kakashi!!!" Guy shock to see the owner of the house is Kakashi.

Out off all people, he doesn't expect Hoseki brings him to Kakashi's house. While he always trains preparing to challenge Kakashi, this sudden visit to his self-made rival is really shocking event.

"Yoshh.. the spring in me always ready!!" Shout Guy suddenly.

"No no no Guy. We are not going to fight him today we come here to meet my uncle." said Hoseki.

"Sa sa Ssakumo san?" Guy is taken back of this sudden new. Sakumo is respected shinobi in the village. People like him hardly have any chances to meet huge reputable shinobi like Sakumo especially kid like him.

"Just come in then. Father is in backyard. "

Walking to the backyard, Hoseki goes near Kakashi and whisper "Hey Kakashi big bro, I can hold him for a now. But sooner or later, you have to fight him yourself."

"No way, you can continue training with him. Don't include me into this." Kakashi refuse to get involved.

"Hehe. You are always his target. He keep saying 'my destiny rival' all along our training. You can hide for now as I will hold him for a while. But you can't run from your destiny."

"Aren't both of you training together. Why did I become his rival?" Kakashi frown hearing the news.

"Who knows what on his brain. He always claim you as his destiny, as for me, I am always his friend and training partner. Don't worry big bro, I will make sure he is strong enough to beat you up. Prepare your ass. You don't know when he will challenge you. Hehe" Hoseki smile cunningly.











Ok. The episode ends here.

Needs suggestions!!

Can anyone tell me any novel that have good fight storytelling. I need some references to write fight scene

Cute_Meloncreators' thoughts
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