Way too much time was passing already. It was July now. The end of it at that. And the babies had all just turned six months old. And not only that, but Makai and I needed to decide what was going to happen when the school year started. We were both still enrolled, even though we had taken the second semester of last school year off.
I knew that we needed to get back to school. And I knew that we needed to get our degrees. But the thought of leaving the babies while we went to school and studied was so hard for me. I didn't want to leave them.
"They won't be alone though." Makai was countering my fears as I was voicing it once again. "They will be with our parents. You know that Hudson retired just so that he could help with situations like this. And he's been around the babies since birth, so he knows how to take care of them."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: