It was just after five thirty in the morning. Makai and I had just fed the boys and changed their diapers. They were eating about every two hours, which was normal for babies their age, and that meant that we didn't sleep through the night at all. I wasn't upset though. The boys were here, and they were all ours.
I was hungry though, so I wanted to head to the kitchen and get something to eat. I knew that it would have to be fast though, so that I had time to eat it and relax a little before it was time to feed the babies again.
With Saylor and Storm in the bassinets in the living room, Splash sleeping in her cat tower, and Makai at my side, I started toward the kitchen to make breakfast. However, that was when my phone rang, and Makai and I froze.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: