
familiar stranger

"Are you really fine? Do you want me to stay over?" Hiro asked.

"That's the 4th time you asked me. I am fine. I have Fred to take care of me. Honey lemon is staying so no problem. Go home, get some rest." Luna said tiredly.

Honey lemon shared a glance with gogo. Her eyes widened as if a light bulb went on her head.

"How about a sleep over?" Honey lemon clapped, jumping excitedly.

"a sleepover? Seriously you guys need to go to nerd school, tomorrow." Luna rolled her eyes.

"So do you" Gogo shot back.

"WOAH. This is great. We can all have fun with captain fancy comics or we could do something naughty or..." Fred was cut off by the finger of Wasabi's over his lips.

"That's a great idea. Jason wouldn't doubt you a bit if he knows we are having a sleepover but not a project with Fred" Hiro smiled.

Luna sighed. Hiro was right. Jason will have a hard time believing her sleeping out for a project.

"Ok let's do that" Layla mumbled.

Hiro smirked. Honey lemon and Fred cheered. Wasabi groaned. Gogo looked at them nonchalantly.

"You can take the room at the far end of the hall." Fred opened the door for baymax.

"Thank you" Baymax nodded and carried Luna bridal style.

"what ?me too? I thought we are doing sleep over"

"You are hurt . You need a lot of rest"Honey lemon explained.

"What are you guys gonna do? I have a bad feeling about this." Luna mumbled doubtfully.

"Well, we will talk for some time then we will sleep in here. Altogether" Honey lemon clapped

"Too bad. You couldn't join us.But you should get a good rest. Don't worry we will have another one later on" Honey lemon continued.

Luna groaned. "No not really. Have fun guys" Luna said before the doors closed.

"Are you alright?" Baymax asked Luna.

"I am fine baymax. Let's go" Luna made herself comfortable in his arms.


"Any leads?" Hiro asked Wasabi, his finger tapping restlessly on his elbow.

"No. Baymax scanned the area for DNA samples and guess what, there was none. They must have destroyed their traces." Wasabi sighed.

"An experienced villain, then." Hiro whispered.

"Yes. We need to be careful. Something doesn't add up. I might have seen her fight once, but she had good reflexes. So how did she..." Gogo trailed off.

"Same for me. I have been thinking about that too. " Hiro said thoughtfully.

"I dont know.... Something doesn't feel right. These days I don't feel well about Luna. It's like she is losing her mind" Fred blabbered.

Hiro gripped his hair.


Luna looked blankly at baymax.

" Tell me what they are doing?" Luna demanded.

"My programme prevents me to reveal the information to you"Baymax replied.

"You stepped out for a minute and I am pretty sure it includes you too "Luna scoffed ,her head swirled and she held her head.

"You need to rest only then your wound will heal."

"They will leave a scar Baymax and scars don't heal"Luna smiled painfully.

"I am unable to understand the emotion you are feeling"

"its complicated."She pulled the covers over her ,pondering the reason why she lost her only close friend.

"I will download the data to help you cope your emotion" Baymax buzzed

"Baymax-"Luna cut herself off. "Baymax?"

Baymax eyes went black and his vinyl deflated. "Baymax you are scaring me? How did you deactivate all of a sudden?" She took slow steps around him.

"Your welcome. It's all on me"A voice boomed

Luna pulled herself up and stood in fighting stance.

"Calm down Luna "a familiar voice echoed.

The room was dimmed with green light for some reason and it was spacious enough for an intruder to hide himself.

"Show yourself" she slowly stepped into the light. A hand grabbed her from behind pulling her off balance. Her back hit the ground.

"Gotcha"a gun pointed at her forehead,was an smiling familiar stranger.


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