

"Please Jason. Let me help him" Luna attempted to run to the fire. Jason pulled her and gripped her shoulders, shook it violently.

"Luna Vielle. Mark is dead. Mark is dead" Jason violently said. "Dead person doesn't come back" Jason spoke lightly.

The screams, the fire were hushed out of Luna's world. That crooked smile, that dimple squeezed her heart immensely. Just when she thought she could be normal with her life,this happens.

For the first time, Luna broke down crying and weeping. Jason's heart shattered, he never saw Luna break down like this. He pulled her into a tight embrace and Luna weeped in his shoulders. All the guilt, sadness, depression she piled up, flowed like a river.

Hiro and others looked down in sadness. For they once lost a close friend, Tadashi. They know how it felt.

After eternity, the crying stopped. Jason pulled away only to find little Luna asleep. Jason felt like she was that little 9 year old again and smiled at the memory.

"Uh Baymax can handle it" Hiro said. "Yes, I can" Baymax carried Luna as if she was a feather. She stirred but slept deeply.

"She must have been wired out" Honey lemon placed her hand on her forehead. "Oh, she has a fever"

"Baymax" Hiro said.

"Scanning" Baymax scanned but in vain. "I am unable to scan her."

"what? Thats impossible. Except if there was a scan jammer." Hiro looked at Luna. Why would she be using a scan jammer?

"Guys, thank you so much. I will take care of her. Baymax, thank you" Jason rubbed his palms.

"Your welcome."


"Baymax, isn't it weird that Luna is using a scan jammer?" Hiro said.

"Yes." Baymax replied.

"Her microcare worked just fine, it's scanning abilities wasn't interrupted. It must have got activated when she escaped the fire" Hiro concluded.

"I do not understand why a scan jammer makes Luna suspicious?" Baymax asked.

"I am not suspicious. I am just concerned" Hiro defended.

"Your heart rate acceleration and irregular eye movements indicate guilt" Baymax commented.

"No baymax. Her friend's death kills her. She feels lonely and who is he anyway? Why was he so close to her? To top my suspicion, Her friend , Mark is a superhero"


Jason pulled the sheets over her. He looked longingly at his sister just like a father would look over her daughter.

"Luna, Dont pile things on you. Eventhough you grow up, you are still the little girl that hung to me. You are nothing but a child in heart" Jason kissed her forehead and went to his room.

Next morning, the sun shine brighter into Luna's room and she scrunched her eyes at the bright light. She got up and went downstairs.

"Jason, what time is it?" her hair was messed up, still in her pyjamas and her palms rubbing her half asleep eye.

"Uh. Jason left early? " the familiar voice said.

Luna eyes snapped, she looked at nervously smiling Hiro. She ran back into her room without any word. Washed her face, changed clothes and she came down.

"forget what happened. What brings you here this early?" Luna rested on the wall beside the stairs, Hiro across her.

"I dropped by to get you to college and Jason told me to take you." Hiro excused.

Luna eyes drifted away from Hiro. "I don't know, Hiro. I think I... I don't want to" She said sadly. When she saw Mark yesterday, the guilt ate her from within. She should never enjoy herself. If only he diddnt save her, Mark would have lived happily.

"What? You should be kidding me. Are you really quitting ?" Hiro tried to reason with her.

Luna pulled herself into a hug, "Hiro, let's talk about this later"

"No, i see myself in you. See, I was the same before. I dreaded life but my friends changed my perspective. If Tadashi was alive, he would not want me to waste my talent. He always wanted to help. I carry his legacy . So does Mark. I don't think Mark will be happy to see you like this"Hiro attempted to change her.

Luna's heart shifted. "Luna, you are such a genius. You gonna help the whole world with your science magic" Little Mark once squealed when Luna showed him her first bot.

"yes, you are right. You are a good talker" Luna slyly said. Hiro scratched his neck.

"so shall we?" Hiro opened the door for her. And off they went, two teenagers out in the daylight.


"Oh Luna. We were so worried. How are you?" Honey lemon greeted her with breathtaking hug when she entered the lucky cat Cafe. "I am fine. Thank you" Luna pulled away to breath.

"Oh you looked so pale. Like the white wolf in comics" Fred slurped his smoothie.

"what he meant is, we were worried." Wasabi covered up for Fred's stupidity.

"Why do you use a scan jammer?" Gogo straight out asked. Everyone gasped.

"Yes. I wasn't able to scan you yesterday when you were presented with fever." Baymax pointed.

Luna was caught. " Guys. About that. The microcare is resistant to scanning too."

"Your slumped shoulders indicate guilt and lie" Baymax pointed again.

"Wow. You done a serious coding on this thing, huh?" Luna suddenly asked Hiro. Angry it can depict her every move.

"My brother did" Hiro said.

"anyways, back to the scan jammer" Gogo was losing patience.

"Alright. I have a condition that can't be known" Luna surrendered.

"what? That's not acceptable. You look normal" Wasabi said.

"i am telling the truth. Back me up here, baymax" she waved for baymax.

"she is telling the truth."

"Guys I am fine. It's just I purposely fit myself with a scan jammer when I saw Baymax. I knew he would scan me straight away."

The group was silent. Pondering over the fact, is this normal? What could her condition be?

"Does Jason know about this?" Hiro asked.

"yes. He does" Luna said. That reassured everyone, they were worried on one side that she wasn't getting any treatment and still there is a lingering doubt of how serious this is.

"Cool. But it's better to let it all out, you know" Honey lemon placed her hand comfortingly on her shoulder. Luna smiled, "Thanks honey lemon. I will remember it"

The group chatted and Aunt Cass went whole mother mode and asked how she was doing? And gave her lollipops. Luna chuckled nervously and Hiro said she was always like that. It felt perfect. Her life was loomy and alone except for Mark, Jason and Mark's mother. In Sanfrasokyo, she now has a group of friends.

In the midst of listening Fred's comic book jokes and about the college from her friends, she saw a familiar figure staring right at her from the window of Lucky cat Cafe.

A bit taller than her, crooked smile with a dimple and disheveled hair. That smile that took Luna's breath away.

Hey guys. Author here. I hope you are enjoying the story. Please drop by reviews, it would be really helpful. And comments too. I would like to know how you feel about the journey. And don't forget to vote too.

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