
The attack

"I don't trust a boy who doesn't have license and drives a scooty." Luna crossed her arms when Hiro put on his helmet.

"It's fine. Besides I have rode this many times. Trust me." Hiro gave Luna the helmet.

"I am making tough life choices" Luna pulled the green helmet down into her head. And sat behind Hiro. "don't we all?" Hiro smirked and the engine came to life.

He sped fast and Luna crashed on Hiro's back. "Hold on" Hiro sped down the road to SFIT . The city was beautiful with various neon lights. The metro trains, various building and the huge big cat doll. She smiled at the vibe of the city. It was lively.

Hiro stopped in front of a decent looking building. " This is itshioka lab where I do my crazy projects. Come on in" Hiro waved for Luna. Luna followed Hiro nonchalantly.

"how long am I supposed to walk?" Luna shrugged in tiredness. "we are here!" Hiro exclaimed and opened the door.

Luna entered only to be pushed down. She looked up at the tall figure, spectacle gleaming, her hair long enough to climb a mountain. Luna was scared who was this huge, "Hey I am sorry. I wasn't looking" She offered her hand and pulled Luna up. Luna glared at Hiro and he was stifle laughing.

"Honey lemon, this is Luna. She is new in town. And she is a genius" Hiro winked.

Honeylemon's eyes gleamed. She shouted, "Guys, come on. We have a little genius here"

Soon, a group of people joined. Luna's hand found its way to her other elbow in awkwardness. She wasn't surrounded by this many people before.

"Hi. Who are you?" A girl, a bit taller than her, her hair dyed violet and bubblegum in her mouth. Certainly a jock. "haha. I am Luna. Hiro's neighbor" Luna stummered.

"Gogo, dont be like that. Hi, I am honey lemon. Really sorry for bumping into earlier." She smiled.

"You bumped into her? That's not really you. Honey lemon bumped into a girl. Can you belive this? " a guy with his lizard hat exclaimed. Certainly weird. Luna's eyebrows twitched in confusion. "he is normally strange like that" Hiro whispered.

"i am fredrickson. A school mascot. Oh are you a comic book fan?" Fred stepped close in enthusiasm. Luna put a safe distance, "I am, sorry I am not."

"uhh where is Wasabi?" Hiro asked them. "oh he is working on something in his lab" Honeylemon said.

"Super cool. Luna, follow me" Hiro pulled her hand. Luna looked at the now joined hands.

"hey Wasabi. This is Luna. Care to amaze her." Hiro crossed his arms. Wasabi smiled. "Hey Luna. I am Wasabi. Prepare to be amazed"

He stepped behind a laser screen and threw an apple, "Try catching" Wasabi threw it.

But the lasers paper sliced. "wow. Laser induced plasma!!! That's super cool." Luna's eyes gleamed. "that's old trick, Wasabi" Hiro shook his head

"Yes. But it amazed you. Take her around. She needs guidance" Wasabi winked. "what are you guys talking about?" Luna asked. Hiro shook his head, "Nothing important. Let's go" Hiro pushed Luna out of the lab and away from his friends. They waved. "Don't you think Hiro is finally a grown man now? Does that mean he will soon get into a relationship?" Fred exaggerated. "Stop whining, Fred" gogo shut him up.

Hiro and Luna took a walk through the quad of the university, it was pretty deserted but fascinating. Filled with trees and a fountain in the middle. It was ghost quite except for crickets that sang their music. "So, what do you think?" Hiro asked.

"You are a student here. Why didnt you just say but pulled me all over the place?" Luna questioned.

"About that, I was once like you, young and wasted my talent in bot fighting but my brother showed me this lab and introduced his friends. So I thought showing you the lab would push you more into joining SFIT." Hiro pushed his hands into his jacket.

Luna smiled," trust me. I love this place. Besides, I needed something like this to.. "she mumbled the last part." sorry? I didn't get the last part" Hiro asked.

"Nevermind How can I apply?"

"There will be science showcase next Friday. Students get into universities with their presentation. Anything that blows Granville off. You are in" Hiro pointed.

"Granville?" Luna tilted her head.

Just then, "Mr. Hamada, what are you doing at this hour?" a young woman, dressed formally glared at Hiro.

"professor Granvielle. I was just showing a friend around." Hiro chuckled nervously.

"HI professor. I am Luna vielle " Luna waved. "Fairly. I belive your project is ready, Mr. Hamada. And. You Ms. Vielle, enjoy your walk around the campus." She said and left.

Hiro breathed in relief, "she is tough one. So your presentation should be strong enough to blow her down"

Out of nowhere, there was laser attack and the spot next to Hiro turned black. Above them was little mascot robot shaped like noodle burger. Before another attack, Hiro pushed Luna out of way.

"NOODLE BURGER BOY!" Hiro shouted and pulled Luna by her hand. They ran away from the robot but it attacked them continuously. Fortunately, they dodged it.

"Hiro, quick question. What the hell is happening?" Luna gripped Hiro.

"Dont worry, Luna. Big hero 6 will be here in any minute"

Just then a massive red stood between the duo and the burger boy. "Howdy and hello mister. May I take you order? How about some laser eyes?" And off it went with shooting the red bot. The red bot kept it busy and the duo escaped the place.

Luna panted, "what the hell was that?"

"oh did I mention Sanfrasokyo has its own supervillains and superheroes?" Hiro smiled. Luna's face turned upside down at the mention of superheroes.

"don't you like superheroes?" Hiro was concerned when he saw her sad.

"oh it's not that. Las Vegas had a duo too. But unfortunately one died while saving the other." Luna gripped her elbow.

"oh I am, sorry." Hiro scratched.

"It's not really your fault. If only did that idiot was selfish enough, he would have lived" Luna grunted.

"idiot?" Hiro tilted his head.

"The superhero was my childhood friend, Mark." A tear slipped from her eye. Hiro stood awkwardly.

"My brother, Tadashi died in a fire accident. He was trying to help a professor out. Good news is professor lived but Tadashi.... What I meant to say is... You friend was great. Somebody has to help. If the whole world turns a blind eye then who will make this world a better place. "

" is this supposed to comfort me? "

" i tried. I am bad at talking to people. You know... "Hiro scratched his neck.

" No you are very friendly. Besides, you are lot like him. He used to say the same thing, somebody has to help. I don't know it's just hard. "Luna weakly smiled.

A comfortable silence surrounded them. All of a sudden, Luna was embraced by none other than Jason.

" I was worried. Where were you? "Jason hugged her. Luna pulled away," I was supposed to ask that question. Besides, I wasn't wasting my time I was out with Hiro. He showed me around and I am planning to join college" .

"is that real? Oh thank you soo much Hiro. I couldn't have done this myself. She is pretty stubborn. I am Jason. I used to SFIT. Way before" Jason laughed

"wow. I am Hiro Hamada."

Jason eyes gleamed, "Hamada? Tadashi's brother. Oh he was a junior of mine. How is he doing? I was planning to visit SFIT but I was busy in transferring myself to krei tech."

"Tadashi is dead. He died last year in a fire accident"

"oh I am sorry. You resemble a lot like him" Jason shuffled his hair. "I am like a brother to you too." he winked. . Hiro smiled.

"How is Aunt Cass?"

"she is doing good. Do you know her?"

"of course. When I was young in college, I used to go to her Lucky cat cafe . Her sweets are the best" Jason slurped dreamily.

"Your house is next to lucky cat Cafe." Hiro shook his head in disbelief. Jason scratched his neck. Luna laughed. And Hiro found himself staring at her as she laughed.

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