
Chapter 33: Unexpected encounter '

Chapter 33: Unexpected encounter

"So your mission objective is to set all the supplies on fire. Team Kakashi will be the distraction and I will be on standby to help one of the teams if needed." Naido-sensei instructed as our team split up from Narutos.

We were currently going to hit one of the 2 known places the Hidden Cloud had most of their rations for their shinobi.

Since the army had just properly arrived, it was probably at its peak in security and that was why Jiraiya and Kakashi believed they wouldn't expect us.

That and Naido sensei and Kakashi were the strongest Shinobi who could enter the battlefield at the moment. They wanted to bring Kurenai into this fight since her Genjutsu would be used but she was away on other missions.

We soon reached the venue we had to wait patiently for nightfall. This was done to not only ensure the lack of visibility, but because my ninjutsu would be at its strongest then.

Not long after the sunset, Naido sensei nodded at us as the 3 of us charged into one of the makeshift buildings.

The thing about infiltration missions was that we weren't really the best bet for them.

However, not even a second after Naido sensei nodded at us, I saw a bright red signal go into the air.

I couldn't even recognize the signal, but after it went up, a cloaked figure appeared right in front of me as I was leading the charge.

And then behind the cloaked figure another 3 joined.

"You fell for this one too easily, Naido." A feminine voice that was somewhat familiar to me said in the direction of my sensei.

Sensei himself walked out from the trees he was in and looked at the cloaked figure with a calm look on his face.

And before I could even blink, he appeared in between me and the figure.

"Yugito. There is no way A decided to send you here after last time." Sensei said calmly, not even acknowledging us or anyone else but someone I now recognized as the 2 tails Jinchuriki.

I realized I was royally fucked if I didn't figure out a way to run right now.

Yuki and Ayumi obviously didn't know what was going on, but realized it was bad when sensei threw our whole plan out of the window.

He didn't just throw the plan out of the window, he didn't even use the back up plans where we would run, he calmly just stood in between us and the enemy.

"There is a way, if I convinced him I would be able to take you on this time." She said, as red chakra, which seemed like boiling blood appeared around her.

The cloak she was wearing began to disintegrate slowly as well as her blond hair and pale white skin was slowly revealed for all of us to see.

"Shikomu." Sensei called out, in an eerily calm voice, completely different from his usual jovial tone.

He didn't even get ready for battle as he stood completely still while we all watched the Jinchuriki go through with her transformation.

"I need you to take care of those 3, and then rush to Kakakshi. Inform him of what is going on here."

"Alright sensei." I told him, as 2 tails popped up from Yugito, and she crouched.

At that, the 3 other hooded shinobi jumped away, while my squad did the same.

Yugito made a massive roar, causing a shockwave of air to go all around, and dust to be built up everywhere in all directions.

Naido sensei stood there, like an immovable mountain, and didn't even blink. His clothes fluttered, but he seemed icy calm.

"This is no time for you to get distracted." One of the cloaked figures said, as he appeared right in front of me and tried to stab my eyes with a kunai.

I was able to deflect the kunai with one of my own, and while the enemy was distracted I began weaving hand signs.

But the thing here was that I was only using 1 hand.

[Lightning style-False Darkness Jutsu]

My mouth opened to which a lightning bolt shot out of me and towards my enemy who was standing right in front of me.

"Shikomu!" Ayumi called out in shock for a second before the other 2 cloaked figures appeared right in front of her and Yuki.

"If you think you have the luxury of not paying attention you have another thing coming," A kunoichi told her as Ayumi began to engage in her own battle.

My attack made direct contact, and a huge gust of dust was spilled into the air.

Just to be the same I body flickered my way to the nearest tree to get a better view on the current situation.

My teammates were fighting their own battles, Sensei was about to fight the 2 tailed Jinchuriki and I could see explosions coming from Kakashi sensei's side of the battlefield too.

'Did Geppo leak this again? I am going to kill him the second I see him if he did, consequences be damned.

Eventually, the fog in the air cleared however I didn't see my enemy anywhere.

While the Jutsu I used was a strong Jutsu, it is not strong enough to completely disintegrate a person's body until their ashes.

"Didn't I tell you not to be distracted?" I heard a voice from right behind me which instantly made me activate the substitution Jutsu.

I appeared in the air right beside a piece of rock I had substituted with and I was finally able to get a proper view of my enemy.

He had brown hair in a buzz cut and sharp facial features as well. A muscular build clearly showing he didn't neglect his training in this world and a serious look on his face too.

How he looked though was not my priority, as I instantly opened the 3rd Gate of Life and sped deep into the forest we had come from.

"Hahahaha! Your teammate is so weak he is running away!" Shouted the kunoichi Ayumi was fighting as she saw me flee.

I didn't have time to see their reactions, but I at least knew how 2 of the people on my team would react.

Sensei would have faith in me.

And Yuki would know why I was doing what I was doing.

(3rd person POV on the other side of the ambush site)

"Who is this guy?" Sakura asked in fright, looking at the towing figure in front of their ninja squad.

They had moved to this side of the palace expecting tens of enemy Shinobi in the minimum, and were gunning for a hit and run strategy with Naruto's shadow clones and some Ninja traps.

But the whole situation went to shit when they heard a massive explosion and a bright spark of light from where Naido's team was undergoing an operation.

It was supposed to be a stealth mission for them, and Team Kakashi would wreak havoc, but the second that spark happened, at least a couple hundred Shinobi popped up surrounding them.

Not only where they all blocking every path of exit, there was a weird man who approached Kakashi, who was clearly taking the situation extremely seriously since he took out his Sharingan.

The weird man had oval-shaped sunglasses, white-colored forehead protector, and a Kumogakure one-strap-over-one-shoulder flak jacket.

He also had hand and shin guards, a long red rope belt, black shinobi sandals, and white scarf.

However most people would recognize him due to his build, and the 8 sword behind him,

Sasuke and Naruto immediately got prepared in a defensive formation just like they were taught in the academy. Normally it was a 3 man formation but someone was not paying attention.

"Get it together, Sakura!" Sasuke scolded, clearly panicking looking at the insane number of ninja in front of him.

Sakura however couldn't take it as she dropped to her knees in sheer fright, trying to stand up again.

"Sakura." Kakashi's voice resounded throughout the battlefield.

"Stand strong, I promise we will get out of this alive." He said as he took out a kunai.

The man had finally approached him, and stopped about 10 feet away from Kakashi. He looked down on Kakashi since he was a head taller than him.

He looked extremely menacing, like a demon of death with all thw swords he had on his back, some of them sticking out from his back making the visible.

However, he suddenly smiled as he looked at the group and threw his hands up.

"Yo, yo, yo! What's good, my fellow ninja? 

It's Killer B in the house, the Eight-Tails host, reppin' the Hidden Cloud Village all day! 

You wanna hear some rhymes that'll blow your mind? Well, listen up 'cause B's about to drop some lyrical bombs! "


He then coughed for dramatic effect and continued.

"I'm the Jinchuriki of the Eight-Tails, Gyuki's my name, Rappin' and fightin', ain't nothin' but my game. 

With my flow so smooth, I'll leave you in a daze, Killer B's on fire, I set the mic ablaze! 

From the Hidden Cloud Village, I emerged, My rhymes are sharp, like a blade, they're surged. 

Ain't no stoppin' me, I'm on a roll, Killer B's the king, I'm in control! 

When it comes to rap, I'm top of the chart, My words hit hard, straight to the heart. 

So listen up, 'cause I'm the real deal, Killer B's in the building, and I'm here to seal the deal! 

That's just a taste of Killer B's rap style, ya dig?"

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