
Chapter 8: Mission

Chapter 8: Mission

"How missions work are fairly simple." He began.

"We start with D-Rank Missions, which genins would take care of. Their simple requests were made from people around the village, and done fairly quickly.

Following this we have C-Rank and B-Rank missions, which are typically taken care of by highly skilled Genin, but usually Chunin NInja.

Then, we have A-Rank missions that are taken care of by Jounin.

S-rank missions are missions usually personally taken care of by the highest ranking members of the village. Typically these missions are of national safety level. But fear not children since we have not had an S-rank mission in multiple years."

As he said that, I couldn't help but sneer inside of my head. He was clearly lying to us, since the S-rank missions while uncommon do happen every year at the least.

"You will now begin with D-rank Missions, until I deem you skilled enough to partake in higher ranked missions…you can start with this one." He said, as he passed Naido-Sensei a scroll.

"Yes, Hokage-Sama. We will get it done." Naido-Sensei said, as he led us out the room.

"Shikoumu, please stay back for a second." The Hokage asked.

When he said this, I became vigilant immediately. Was it due to me sneering in my head earlier? Shit, I didn't take into account that he probably has people sensing our emotions, if he could not do it himself.

Naido-Sensei did not seem surprised at all, leading the other 2 out of the room.

"So Shikaku." The Hokage voiced out, as I felt a small movement of wind as another man popped up in front of me.

"It is true Hokage-Sama. We have just finished the test. We do not know how we had missed such a crucial clue for so many years." He said, while looking at me with sad eyes.

"He does look similar to you."

At that, I realized that I didn't even check the looks of my new body.

"My brother's son." Shikaku Nara whispered as he knelt down to me and hugged me.

I realized I should be role-playing as Shikomu Nara's character so I simply pushed him a little and asked with a slightly shaky voice.

"What are you doing?"

Shikaku stood up and then looked at me calmly. He then sighed as he said, "Shikomu. The day you were born, an incident happened inside of the village."

"The 9-tails attack." I told him.

The Hokage and Shikaku smiled at me.

"Seems like he is also a smart child. Just like his father." The Hokage said.

"Yes, the 9-tails attack. A lot of adult Ninja had died during this time. A lot of children became orphans. One of them is you, my young Nephew. You dad died that day protecting me. I couldn't find you since then. I am sorry for being so stupid and being unable to recognise you till now."

The AI probably made it so orphans of the major clans would go through this.

"How about…how about my mother?"

"She died soon after giving birth to you." He explained.

"If you wouldn't mind. After your mission, could you come to the Nara compound so I can talk to you more?" Shikaku asked.

I simply nodded at him.

Then, the Hokage added, " Now, Shikomu. While I understand that this might be hard for you, you have to finish your mission. Use this time to let the matter sink in and talk to Shikaku again later."

"Yes, Hokage-sama." I said as I bowed and left.

It seemed like my life would become much easier.

[First Mission

Rank: D

Description: The Hokage has assigned his first mission to you as genin. Complete it and start your path as Shinobi.

Reward: Gaining recognition as a true Shinobi of Konoha and improved relationship with your Sensei. Access to Party chat. 10 Points]

As I saw the new mission screen in front of me, I then moved with Naido-Sensei and the others to a location at the edge of the village.

"Your mission is simple. The fruit vendor owns this part of the forest. He didn't have time to harvest apples today, so he commissioned us to do it."

As he said that, he pointed to the top of massive trees.

"Now, make your way up here." He said as he started to walk up the tree.

"How the hell are we supposed to do that?" Asked Ayumi.

"Simple really. Apply chakra to your soles and run towards the tree." Naido-Sensei told us.

While I knew what he was talking about, the other 2 still didn't seem to understand that much.

"Sigh, it seems I have to recap academy level knowledge."

After that Naido-Sensei explained about what Chakra was and how controlling it would work. Ayumi and Kaito already knew about Chakra from the Jutsu we performed before, but this was to control it better.

It felt surreal for us to move to an external source of energy which was technically not a part of our body but we got used to it eventually.

I was the first to gain mastery over tree-walking. It was probably due to our extremely low amounts of Chakra compared to monsters like Naruto and Sasuke, who had Jounin Level reserves at our age.

Tree-walking wasn't meant to be extremely hard.

Anyways, we all leveled up our Chakra Control to Intermediate. We also learned that the rankings for mastery was: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Proficient and Mastered.

Right now we were only at the second level, and we had to train to maintain it as our Chakra reserves increased.

After gathering apples for a long time, we eventually completed the mission and were awarded 100 Ryo each from the commission and the 10 points.

I put all 10 points into my Chakra, since I knew I could train my physical body.

[Status Panel of Player Michael

Name: Shikomu Nara


Konoha Shinobi

(Training speed in Konoha increases by 100%)

Fuinjutsu Genius

(Training in Fuinjutsu increases by 100%. Stackable)

Ninja Rank: Genin

(Access to Genin level missions)

Physical Stat: Low- Genin (1/100)

Chakra Amount: Low-Genin (11/100)

Chakra Control: Intermediate


Flying Thunder God

Clone Jutsu

Substitution Jutsu

Transformation Jutsu

Genjutsu: -Nil-

Taijutsu: -Nil-]

I could feel the amount of Chakra I have increased, and a slight bluish aura surrounded me. It was something probably visible only to players since Naido showed no change in expression, but Kaito and Ayumi did.

Kaito and Ayumi had a slight orange and bluish aura surrounding them. It probably symbolled that they increased their Chakras and body stats evenly.

"Now, train in your Chakra control. I will meet you at the same time tomorrow morning." Naido-Sensei told us, almost dismissing us even though it was only around noon.

The other 2 seemed to have wanted to do something, since they left immediately as they were dismissed.

"Sensei." I called out as he was just sitting on a tree, albeit upside down.

"Yes Shikomu." He asked me as he saw me also climb the tree up to him.

"I was wondering if you could teach me some Jutsu? Something that could help me move extremely fast to run and attack my opponents?"

Naido sensei didn't say anything for a second. Then, after thinking about it for a second he said, "Your foundation in Jutsu is not good Shikomu. Me training you in Jutsu won't just help you. So how about this, I will train you in a Jutsu when you can master the academy 3 Jutsu and know how to use the Jutsu you will learn later today fairly proficiently."

"The Jutsu I will learn later today?"

"Yes. As you must know, you will now be recognised as a Nara clan member. With that, they will provide you with their clan's special Jutsu. When you can use that decently, I will teach you just the Jutsu you are searching for."

"Alright, thank you sensei." I told him, as I left the trees and found my way to the Nara compound.

Next chapter