
Chapter 22 - Complete Contract

"So what happened?"

"Hm?" Mi Young asks while she and Shang Min both watched the Basilisk Dragon's kids playing on the swamp while the mother was lying beside Mi Young.

"How did you manage to find her children?"

"I didn't find them because they weren't missing in the first place."

Shang Min turns her rigid body towards Mi Young while asking the blue eyed girl with a high pitched voice, "What do you mean?"

Mi Young sighs. For her, Shin Shang Min is like a child; a troublemaker, innocent, and full of many questions. "While the beast was chasing me, I realized something. I—"

"What? What did you realize?" Shang Min interrupts.

Mi Young rolled her eyes but let her be, "I remembered reading about how savage beasts get so protective when they give birth or when their eggs hatched. And for some reason, if the offspring were indeed missing, the Basilisk Dragon should have been searching the forest for them. But how come was she still lingering at the swamp? So I—"

"Woah, you're right. Why haven't I thought about that?" The other girl interrupts once more.

Mi Young can feel the veins in her forehead about to burst. "So I went back to the swamp to check if my intuition was right. However, I didn't know that she could fly and she blocked my way. Aside from that, I was also not aware of the fact that she can breathe poison! All because someone forgot to tell me."

Mi Young explains as she throws a glare at Shang Min. The girl immediately looked everywhere but her, trying to hide the guilty look on her face.

The blue eyed girl shakes her head in disbelief.

"Anyway, I was—"

"Then what happened? How come were you able to tame this beast—"

"You would know if you stop cutting me off." Mi Young says while rolling her eyes at Shang Min once more. She couldn't count the number of times she had rolled her eyes at the other girl with how dumb she is. "I swear to god, if you're not a child of one of the Four Great clans, I would think you're stupid."

Instead of being offended with what Mi Young said, Shin Shang Min laughed so hard she fell down from the log she was sitting at. After she was done and fixes herself, she sits down at the log again and asks Mi Young, "I'm sorry, I'm just too excited."

So Mi Young tells her about her plan and tries out a word from the Beast Language she has read before. She also told her that she wasn't sure if it was effective and if she had managed to sound like a beast but seeing how the Basilisk Dragon was acting, she knew that the word she uttered was right.

"Come to think of it, how did you manage to learn the Beast Language?" Shang Min asks. She looks at Mi Young curiously.

"I told you I read it in my father's book."

"Is your father from a noble family?" Shang Min asks one more time. Mi Young wasn't sure why she was acting that way but she answered nonetheless.

"No. I told you we're poor and we live in the farthest town in the North." Mi Young explains.

Shang Min looks like she was thinking hard before she ends the topic with an "Oh. Okay."

But Mi Young was curious as to why she was acting that way, and so it was her turn to ask the other party, "Why are you asking?"

The girl looks at Mi Young seriously before she answers, "It's just that books about Savage Beasts are very rare and luxurious. We are the richest family in the North but we only own twelve of them. None of it is about the Beast Language as well."

This made Mi Young think. She had spent her time reading thousands of books that were all stored in her father's closet or basement but she never asked where it all came from.

Shang Min was right, books are expensive. And how come her father, who was born from a poor family, can afford them all?

Shang Min must have noticed the sudden change in Mi Young's expression, as well as how serious she is seeing that her eyebrows were furrowed and her lips formed a thin line. She might not have known the blue eyed girl for a long time but that's the face she makes when she's thinking hard.

The other girl tried to change the topic by asking her something else instead, "Did you form a contract with the Basilisk Dragon?"

The question instantly caught the black haired girl's attention, "What do you mean?"

"Oh so you haven't yet." Shang Min nodded. "If you successfully tame a savage beast you can form a contract with them. However, you will have to show your mana points and your strength to it to know if they are willing to have a contract with you."


"Savage beasts are proud beings no matter what kind they are. If they are tamed by someone and if they found out that that person has a weaker rank than them, they would not acknowledge your contract proposal." Shang Min explains as she starts playing with the dirt with her shoe. "But there are also other savage beasts who still form a contract with weaker Mages than them. But that's truly rare."

"What happens when you form a contract with a savage beast?"

Shang Min looks at Mi Young in disbelief, "You don't know?"

"Would I ask you if I knew?" Mi Young deadpans.

Shang Min smiled sheepishly at her, "Well, the savage beast will become your partner. It will follow your commands and will aid you through any difficulty. But there is also a legend that when a person successfully tames a savage beast and forms a complete contract with them, the savage beast will not only aid you through your battles, but it will also give you its power and give its life to you. It will protect you until its last breath."

Mi Young is getting more and more curious with this savage beast knowledge, "How do one form a complete contract?"

"I don't know since it was only a legend. Even the Great Sage wasn't able to form a complete contract with its dragon." Shang Min says as she shrugs her shoulders.

"You mean the dragon that is passed down by the first Great Sage from one generation to the next?"

Shang Min nods, "Yup. It may be the Great Sage's partner but that dragon never listens to any of the Great Sage's commands, even with the first Great Sage. My father said that maybe the dragon was waiting for its true master. Who knows, right?"

Mi Young remained silent as she took in Shang Min's words. She was looking forward to building a contract with the Basilisk Dragon. However, she's not even sure if the savage beast would acknowledge her strength given that she's only an Intermediate 3 Mage.

"Stop thinking so hard. If you really want to build a contract with the Basilisk Dragon today, you can give it a try." Shang Min suggested it when she saw Mi Young's troubled look.

"What do I do?"

"Show her your cultivation technique and your strength. After that, she will bow her head and you must not forget to touch her forehead with your hand. Then, link your mana with hers." Shang Min instructs.

"Then the contract is done?"

"Yes. As easy as that."

"Okay." Mi Young says, sounding unsure.

She proceeds to walk towards the resting Basilisk Dragon and goes to call her attention. When the savage beast looked at her, Mi Young immediately displayed her cultivation technique as well as her mana strength and points.

Mi Young thought it wouldn't work seeing as the Basilisk Dragon was just staring at her. However, after a few seconds it bowed its head deep into the ground, and like a small puppy it started nuzzling its huge head against Mi Young's feet.

The blue eyed girl looked at Shang Min, looking lost. She doesn't know what to do considering it's her first time. Mi Young wasn't also sure if it's still part of the process. But when she looked at the blonde girl, the other's mouth was hanging wide open.

"What?" Mi Young asked, still waiting for the next instruction.


"What? What's happening? Is this still part of the process?" Mi Young hurriedly asked, afraid that she did something wrong.

Shang Min shifted her disbelieving gaze from the Basilisk Dragon to Mi Young, and while shaking her head, she answered, "No. That's complete submission."

"What's that?" Mi Young questions as she tries to pry away her feet from being nuzzled by the savage beast.

However, like a mad person, Shang Min starts pacing back and forth while talking to herself and completely ignoring Mi Young's call. "But I thought it was just a legend? Is it really true? Did I read it right? What if it's another way—No that can't be. It might be because—"

"Hey!" Mi Young shouts at the top of her lungs in order to get the blonde girl's attention. Shang Min jumps from her feet and looks at her, puzzled. "What should I do?"

"Right. Complete submission, let's see." Shang Min says as she tries to recall the right process. "From what I have learned and remembered, complete submission is the only way a savage beast and a human can form a complete contract."

"What? I thought it was just a legend!"

"I thought so too!"

"What do we do?" Mi Young asked, sounding panicked and excited at the same time. Holy sh*t! She's going to own a beast!

"Unlike normal contracts, all you have to do is let the beast taste a small amount of your blood. And the contract will bind its life forever to you." Shang Min says in a very slow and serious manner.

Mi Young did not waste any of her time as she cut off a part of her skin and let her blood drip from her palm through the savage beast's open mouth.

After a few seconds, Mi Young can feel a sudden surge of power coursing through her veins. And suddenly there was another voice inside her head.


"Woah!" Mi Young speaks through her mind. "Who's there?"

"It's me." The voice says. It sounded ancient and there's a hiss at the end of each word.

"Do you have a name?"

"I don't. But if the Master wishes to give it to me, it would be my honor." The Basilisk replied.

Mi Young contemplates for a minute before she comes up with a name, "I will call you Medusa from now on."

"It is an honor. Thank you, Master." The beast says. Mi Young can feel its gratefulness before she decides to stop their mind-link.

"What happened?" Shang Min asks when Mi Young comes back to her senses.

Mi Young has a small smile on her lips when she answers the blonde girl, "Shang Min, meet my friend Medusa."

"You named your Basilisk, Medusa?"

"Why? It's cute."

Shin Shang Min can feel her eyes rolling out from her sockets.

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