
Elyarus Kingdom

Third Person's POV

The young lad stood on the balcony of the young duke's mansion, gazing out over the Kingdom of Lustina as the first light of dawn touched the horizon. The Festival of Unity had strengthened the bonds within his kingdom, but now it was time to reach out beyond their borders. The Kingdom of Elyarus had been a steadfast ally in times past, and it was essential to renew and fortify that alliance. With a deep breath, he turned and secretly went to the courtyard, where the young duke awaited him.

"Everything is set, my lord." The young duke said while the portal connecting through the Elyarus kingdom was glowing. The young lad tapped the young duke's shoulder and wore his hood.

"Thanks." The young lad said and stepped inside the portal.

"Have a safe trip, my lord." The young duke bid him a goodbye and the young lad was teleported towards Elyarus kingdom.

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